In 2022, DCC launched the MYLNS (Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support) program for the very first time. 16 of our Year 7 students have been working hard with Nick James to build their literacy and numeracy skills. Please see what two of our students have to say below!



Hello everyone, my name is Weiwei. I go to Dohertys Creek P-9 College for Year 7. At the start of Term 1, I joined a group called MYLNS, there are about 5 people in our group. We normally would meet 2-3 times per week. In Term 1, we are focused on reading. Everyone in our group made a SMART goal, mine is about inferring. My goal is ‘By the end of term 1, I will be able to make 3-5 inferences within a prescribed text’.  


I think I might have known inferring before, before but didn’t focus on it. Now, I can clearly say what inferring means and make inferences in a text.

MYLNS had helped me in reading and I think being in MYLNS is kind of more fun compared to normal class. We would normally learn something new every session or week. Like a week ago, we read a text and made predictions, connections and inferences. Sometimes we also act out what we read, which makes it more fun for learning.


Weiwei, Year 7. 


Flying through DCC with 16 strong wings

Is the best class called MYLNS

Helping students with what they learned

Is Nick, Anne-Marie and Jess De Bono


In the beginning, all 16 students made a SMART goal

The strongest weapon that they had 

Was the motivation to help one another


MYLNS has helped me accomplish my goals

And let me help others accomplish theirs

It helps me to see what I do well and what I can improve


Thank you to all my teachers for bringing me this far

And to different students for trying their best

This has given me the push I need

And will help me to make sure that I succeed!


Abdallah, Year 7