Meet our Teachers - Moura Chahoud Prep H

Moura Chahoud - Prep H

What’s the best thing about being a teacher?


The best thing about being a teacher is building relationships with my students and doing what I love every day which is teaching


What inspires you?


When my students tell me they love learning in my classroom. 


What do you love most about DCC? 


I love the sense of community within the school. Everyone is kind and supportive. 


What would the students be surprised to find out about you?

I am an enthusiastic reader. I have read over 500 books in my lifetime. There isn’t a moment when I am not thinking about reading or buying more books! 


If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?

No one is perfect! Everyone makes mistakes, especially teachers! However, we should not let our mistakes stop us from trying our very best. 


What is your spirit animal?


My spirit animal will most likely be a lion. They represent determination, which is something I believe I have because it has allowed me to achieve many things such as becoming a teacher. 


What are your “trapped on a desert island” books or movies?


I prefer reading books rather than watching movies so I will bring every book on my shelf. I have so many books to read and this is the perfect opportunity to read them all. 


A special photo I’d like to share and about it … (can be a pet, holiday etc) 


The photo I have decided to share is from my Year 12 Formal. It represents celebrating my achievements and having a great time with my classmates.