A message from Tami-Jo

We have had such a full term of learning and events. It has been amazing to have a whole term onsite. It has allowed the teachers and students to make new connections as well as the students to reconnect with friends and make new ones. 


Colour Run

We really look forward to our Colour Run on Thursday 7th of April and hope that we can raise as much money as we can as there are a number of school priorities that the School Council, the staff and the students have suggested that they would like in order to improve the facilities at the school. These include animal footprints from Wirrigirri to each part of the school; concreted areas between the relocatables for downball, a decked area at the back of Waa and natural seating throughout the orchard, to name a few. We are not yet halfway with our goal and need your help!!

We apologise that it falls during Ramadan but there was an oversight with booking arrangements with the company this year. We will certainly take that into consideration when booking for next year.  


Celebrations of Learning

Classrooms will be open this week from 2.30-3.00pm on selected afternoons. This is an opportunity for your child/ren to share with you their work from this term. It is a student led activity. It is an opportunity for you to congratulate them, discuss their goals moving forward and talk to your child about how they can improve. 

We are so excited to have you visit as we have really missed our community events during lockdowns.

Monday 4th April- Preps

Tuesday 5th April- Year ½

Wednesday 6th April -Years ¾

Thursday 7th April – Years 5-7



Traffic continues to be a concern with complaints each day. A reoccurring complaint is about students not using the crossing and parents concerned for how they are crossing the road. The primary concern is for the safety of our students. Please talk to your children about how to cross the roads safely and park in a place that makes it as easy as possible for them. 


Term 2 Planning

The teachers have been planning for term 2. They have used the data they have collected throughout this term to assist them to choose what curriculum needs to be taught next to ensure that all students are being taught at their point of need. The discussions during this time have been robust, challenging and caring. 

You can support your child further by working with them to achieve their goals which are shared twice/term; hearing your child reading every day and talk to them about what they have read to see how much they understand and to foster a love for reading. Developing a strong relationship between you and the teacher as partners in this journey is only going to benefit your child. 


Grassed Areas

We are continuing to work to improve our facilities. Our grass will be re-seeded over the holidays in the hope that we can get some of our grassed areas growing well and then be able to have students using them. 



The teachers have been working with the students of Years 3, 5 and 7 to prepare them for NAPLAN testing in May. They have been practicing with the new format which is now online and working with teachers to learn how to analyse questions. The year 3 students in particular have been learning the protocols around taking a test. It is important to remember as families that this is only one form of assessment taken on one day. There are many other factors we take into account when assessing and evaluating the progress of our students. 


Duty of Care- Drop Off and Pick Up

Please remember that teachers are not on duty supervising in the yard until 8.30am. If your child is at school before that time, they should be attending breakfast club on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We would rather that students do not enter the school grounds until 8.30am. It is important that you have clear expectations about how your child gets to school, that is, their route when walking or riding to school and what they are to do or where they are to go after school.  If you have concerns around this, please speak to the classroom teacher. 



We send best wishes to those families who are fasting this weekend for Ramadan. 


Last Day of Term

We finish school at 2pm on the last day of school.


We wish you all a lovely holiday and a happy Easter. We hope that you all get to spend some precious time together doing things that you love. Rest up,  enjoy the weather whilst you can and we look forward to seeing you again next term. 


Term 2 begins on Tuesday 26th of April.