Visual Arts

Artes Visuales

News from the Art Room…

What an outstanding start to 2022 in the Art Room! It has been lovely meeting all the exceptionally talented artists from Newlands Primary School. 



This fortnight in Art, the Foundation/Grade 1 students have learnt about primary colours. They have listened to ‘Pequeno Azul y Pequeno Amarillo’ (Little Blue and Little Yellow). They had fun last week, mixing the ‘colores primaries’ and learnt how to say these colours in Spanish – ‘Azul, Amarillo y Rojo’. During this lesson, students were encouraged to explore the different ways in which they can make marks using a paintbrush. Following on from this lesson, students have added ‘formas’ or shapes and practiced their cutting skills. 


Grade 2/3 students explored how to create ‘auto retratos’ (self-portraits) using the rules of thirds to ensure that they have placed their facial features in the right place. We revised the techniques used when painting, using ‘acuarelas’ (watercolours); discussing how to load a brush with paint; which part of the brush to use; and how to apply paint onto paper. This week, students have begun making a ‘silueta auto retrato’ (silhouette self-portrait). We discussed self-portraits by various artists and examined ways in which artists communicate information in their artwork through symbols. Students collaborated, creating a list of possible symbols to represent themselves in their ‘siluetas’.


Students in the Grade 4/5/6 area have been busy working on their Art Room Agreement Posters, as well as learning about Amy Cuddy’s Power Poses. Linking to students’ classroom Inquiry focus, based on what makes a good learner, students have been examining how body language and power poses can affect our mood. Students had an action-packed session in which they posed in both low and high power poses. Based on the high power poses, we discussed why it is important to use these poses to assist us as learners. Then they have to create miniature models of ‘figuras humanas’ (human figures) in a power pose, using either terracotta clay or wire. This work will assist them in the future when they collaborate to create a large child-sized figure later on in the term.