
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing and Operations

Dear Parents/Guardians,


As Friday 18 March was The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, I thought it was timely to remind parents and guardians of the the E-Safety Commissioner website. It is a wonderful resource for parents, students and teachers focusing on how to keep teenagers safe online. Unfortunately, statistics indicate that one in five young Australians aged 8 to 17 years have been socially excluded, threatened or abused online. I do encourage all members of the Academy community to regularly visit this website for valuable information, resources and webinars. One such webinar is taking place on Wednesday 23rd March. The webinar is entitled ‘e-Safety’s parent guide to cyberbullying and online drama’. It will provide parents and carers with the tools to support young people to have safe and respectful online relationships. It will also offer advice about what to do when things go wrong. The link to take you to the registration page is https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/webinars


More on iNFORMATION page


Academy  Senior Student Leadership Team also recognised the importance of the day by organising a number of different activities for the students. 

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

COVID-19 Update 

COVID numbers at the Academy have remained steady over the course of the last fortnight, with the numbers at this point in time either continuing to be commensurate or lower than many other schools. Thank you to all in the community for their continuing support with all COVID safe protocol and procedures. We will continue with our cautious approach for the remainder of Term 1, especially with activities that require larger gatherings and activities that take place outside the classroom.


Parents are reminded to please continue to keep their daughters at home if they are displaying any COVID symptoms at all. RA or PCR testing should be undertaken at these times but also be undertaken twice a week regardless of whether any symptoms are present. Whilst masks are no longer mandatory in schools, all members of the Academy community are strongly encouraged to continue wearing them indoors, especially when social distancing is not possible. 


Parents are also reminded to continue to report any positive test results or instances of Personal Close Contacts to the Academy Student Office via a phone call on 9412 7111 or email attendance@academy.vic.edu.au


General Absence Notification. Absence. Late Arrival. Early Dismissal.

Further to the above, please find outlined on iNFORMATION page a reminder of the process that we have in place to notify the College of your daughter’s Absence as well as Late Arrival and Early Dismissal.

Parents’ Association Meeting

Monday 28 March at 7:00pm

The second meeting of the Parents' Association will continue using the ZOOM platform with a view of meeting in person from Term 2. If you would like to attend please email me directly at Sam.DiCamillo@academy.vic.edu.au by 9.00pm Friday evening. I will send out the ZOOM link on Monday. 


For those parents who sent me an email for our first meeting, there is no need to re-send an email again as I have already added you to a distribution list and you will automatically receive the link for each of our meetings this year.


As always, please remember never hesitate to be in touch should you have any queries or concerns.

Mr Sam Di Camillo

Deputy Principal, Wellbeing and Operations