Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

My learning journey continues at St Mary’s as we come to the end of Week 8 in Term 1. It was lovely for everyone to enjoy an extra day with our long weekend just passed to be with friends and family. My past weeks have allowed me to meet more students, our Student Leaders, families and community connections such as our neighbouring preschools and the Community of Parents and Friends. As I meet all of these amazing people who create our community all provide me with a deep story and connection to what makes St Mary’s such an amazing school to be a part of. 


Recently it has been impressive to see our Year 6 Peer learning and leadership teams take to their roles to represent and support our school community. I have met with the SRC, observed Peer supported play experiences be planned and know that small support peer learning for reading is taking place among Year 5 and Year 1. The motivation and leadership has been incredible. From planning, to advertising to collaborating as a team. It is so important that our senior leaders have the opportunity to lead in areas of passion and interest and for the rest of the school to observe such leadership qualities. 


Teaching and learning and student assessment has continued to be a key focus throughout the school with the majority of individual student testing and assessment data being completed throughout the school. Teachers, teams and leadership rely on student data to target needs, provide explicit teaching and monitor growth and progression. Our whole school data allows us to support teachers with their teaching and learning programs, goal set and action where to next. Prior to the end of the term I will share with you St Mary’s Annual Action Plan to inform you of all of the key goals and strategies in specific areas.  


As we have returned to the most consistent schooling that we have known in the past two years our playground continues to be a place of continued interest. Our playground is large and open and we strive to offer a range of choices and resources that target all students' interests. We are aware that the playground is a social learning space and that on occasion can challenge some students. Over the past week all students have been asked for their input to make further improvements to ensure we are meeting everyone's needs. As a school we have noticed that there has been a need to talk about, model and share expectations of how to successfully play in the playground. St Mary’s uses behaviour tracking of both positive and challenging experiences to ensure we are informed of what is working and what needs improving. 


Thank you to those of you who attended our Community of Parents and Friends evening and to those of you who have already committed to Team leading and supporting group roles. I would have really enjoyed having met more of you but grateful that the interest to support the community and social connections remains behind the scenes. Prior to the end of term we will release dates of confirmed events and ensure Team leaders have contact details of those willing to help with events. I look forward to working with many of you throughout the year. For those who were unable to attend, please find the QR code to register your interest on our Community of Parents and Friends page. 


Staff this week are in the pre-stages of setting up successful foundations to gain Student voice and feedback around their teaching practice. Seeking student voice and including students in their learning is highly effective practice. In week 9 all students throughout the school will be supported to answer a small set of questions that provide explicit feedback to our teachers. The data is then used at an individual level to set professional goals and at a whole school level to ensure professional development and collaboration is occurring for school improvement. 


Thank you to those of you who provided me with insight around effect and preferred communication modes that we as a school provide. I will explore your contributions closely over the coming week and share with staff so that we are collectively informed and meeting our community needs. Again, thank you. 


Next week I will be at a Principal Conference in Lorne. This conference is being attended by over 40 principals in the Sandhurst Diocese and is an opportunity for professional and spiritual growth. The conference focus is predominantly on Leadership and Hope for the future. I look forward to my week of learning ahead. In my absence, Miss Alex Daly will lead our school and community if you have any concerns. 


Stay well and stay healthy.


God Bless, 


Jasmine Ryan 
