Around the Traps - 4/5/6 

Mark Butters / Trish Shaw

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

Thank you to everyone who attended the ‘Picnic on the Turf’ on Friday evening.

It was lovely to see you there, what a beautiful night it was!




4/5/6 have Sport on Tuesday and Friday.

These are the only days they are required to wear their runners. Please ensure students are wearing the correct St Joseph’s uniform.


Reading diaries are due at school: 

  • 4 Shaw on Monday 
  • 5/6 Butters on Friday


Tomorrow, Thursday,  the whole school will be travelling to Bright to commemorate St Joseph’s Day.

Please ensure you have returned a signed permission form through PAM or at the school office.



Reading continues to be a huge focus throughout the 4/5/6 area and the students practise different forms of reading each day. Reading rotations, Buddy reading and quiet reading happen daily. 

There is also a big focus on comprehension and looking at the inferential meaning in reading.

 After reading a text in reading groups we focus on the inferential meaning which involves determining what the text means. You start with the stated information. This information is then used to determine the deeper meaning that is not explicitly stated. Determining inferential meaning requires you to think about the text and draw a conclusion.

There is also a daily focus on spelling and different spelling rules.



Not forgetting that we practice our times' tables every day!



This week the 5/6 students are looking at laws and how they are made. We’ll do this by turning our classroom into a mock Parliament and debating the ‘No Homework Bill” in our House of Representatives. 


The Year 4 students are continuing to investigate, 'First Contact '

During our investigation, we have discovered some new words and then looked up their meaning in the dictionary.

Words such as;  artefact,British,character, clarity,convict,culture,decade,diversity,expedition,exploration.



The 5/6 class has been looking at a different Project Compassion story each week. We are taking a look at their story and the country they live in. We are also completing the Enhancing Catholic School Identity Surveys. This has four parts and is fairly heavy as far as reading goes so we are finishing small parts at a time. The surveys are anonymous and have also been completed by staff. 

Some people choose to give something up during Lent or others may think more about how they can ‘change their heart’ and help others more in their everyday life.

This week, the Year 4 students have started the unit, ‘LENT- Preparing for Easter.’

The students will be introduced to this special season in the Church’s liturgical year and will explore how the community prepares for Easter through prayer, penance and good works.

We have also viewed stories about the lives of people in other countries that  Project Compassion supports. By watching others and how grateful they are for the support they receive helps the students to understand how fortunate they are. This is where we can put the meaning of Lent and how we can help others in our day to day lives.


Hope you have a fabulous week,

Mrs Shaw & Mr Butters