Teaching & Learning Focus

Carly Avery

Teaching and Learning Focus: Junior Readers

I have had several conversations over the last few weeks with staff and parents regarding our junior readers. This was an area flagged last year and budgeted for this year to begin updating our collection of junior readers. This will continue over a number of years.

Following our Science of Language and Reading (SOLAR) and Sounds-Write professional development, our junior teachers have been researching the best resources available to align with Sounds-Write. This is by no means a quick task with a wide range of readers available. I have encouraged staff to be diligent in their research.

A subscription to ‘Online Decodable Readers Australia’ has been purchased, which will be an option to use at home for students working to crack the code. Information regarding this will be sent home by teachers. 

Set of decodables for classes that aligned with Sounds-Write have also been purchased to trial. The next step is to review our current materials, how they align with current teaching approaches, and further update class and home readers appropriately.