Around the Traps - Foundation/1

Bianca Vescio / Eleanor Rodda


In Foundation this week we are continuing to work on the sounds b, c, g, h. 


In Grade 1 we have been looking at the many different ways to represent the /ay/ sound in words - ai as in train, ay as in play, ea as in great and a-e as in snake. 


To celebrate Harmony Day this week, we have been reading ‘I’m Australian Too!’ by Mem Fox. This book has been great for students to celebrate the cultures of all people. We have been doing quite a few different writing activities based on this story. 

Students working with Miss Rodda have written about their favourite part in the story, where they have been before and created a list of places that were discussed in the story. 

Students working with Miss V have created a list of places they have been before, written about where they have not been before and why they would like to go there. They have also written about some places they have been to before. 


Here are some examples of our wonderful writing: 


I have been to Melbourne before. I enjoy going to the beach and I feel happy. - Vivian

I have been to Melbourne before. I enjoy going to the loud football game and I feel excited. - Ethan

I have been to Melbourne before. I enjoy going to my playful cousin's house and it feels fun. - Koko




We have been learning some counting strategies. We have been practising the ‘counting out loud’ strategy by using some puzzles.


Grade One

Students have continued to learn about 2 digit numbers this week. We have been thinking about how many tens and ones are a number. Students have been enjoying a new game we have learnt where someone chooses a number and their partner must guess their number. The twist is that the person that chooses a number gives their partner clues with each guess based on the place value of the number. 



In a few weeks, we will be asking some of the Grade 6’s what it likes to feel old! We have been learning about growing older and who better to ask. We have compiled a list of questions we would like to ask them in preparation for this.



Thank you to the parents who attended our assembly prayer on Friday. Students had a great time presenting their St Joseph’s posters and song to the school community! This week we have been focussing on what Lent is and thought about what we will try and do during this Lent season.

During Lent, I will be kind to everyone around me. - Archie

During Lent, I will give up lollies and cake. - Lola

During Lent, I will help mum and dad. - Merin

For Lent, I will smile more. - Scarlett

For Lent, I will love my brother more. - Eliot

For Lent, I will give up cookies. - Leo B