School Policies

Mobile School Policy


To explain to our school community Numurkah Primary School’s policy requirements, and expectations regarding the safe and appropriate use of mobile phones by students, at school or during school activities.


This policy applies to all students at Numurkah Primary School.


A mobile phone is a telephone with access to a cellular (telecommunication) system, with or without a physical connection to a network. For the purpose of this policy, “mobile phone” refers to mobile phones and any device that may connect to or have a similar functionality to a mobile phone such as smart watches.


Students are encouraged not to bring a mobile phone to school unless there is a compelling reason to do so. If students bring a mobile phone it must be

 Switched off, and given to the classroom teacher who will then store it securely. It can be collected at the end of the day.

In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy issued by the Minister for Education, personal mobile phones must not be used at Numurkah Primary School during school hours, including lunchtime and recess, unless an exception has been granted.

Where a student has been granted an exception by the school Principal, the student must use their mobile phone for the purpose for which the exception was granted, and in a safe, ethical, and responsible manner.


Students who use their mobile phone inappropriately at school may be issued with consequences consistent with our school’s Student Wellbeing and Engagement and/or Bullying policies.


Students are responsible for their mobile phone. Please note that the Numurkah Primary School does not have accident insurance for accidental property damage. Students and their parents/carers are encouraged to obtain appropriate insurance for valuable items, including mobile phones that may be brought to school. Students are responsible for items brought to school.

Camps and excursions

In most circumstances, students will not be allowed to bring their mobile phones on overnight school camps or excursions. Numurkah Primary School will provide students and their parents and carers with information about items that can be brought to special activities and events, including mobile phones


Exceptions to the policy may be applied during school hours if certain conditions are met, specifically,

  • Health and wellbeing-related exceptions; and exceptions related to managing risk when students are offsite.
  • Can be granted by the principal, or by the teacher for that class, in accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy.

1. Learning-related exceptions

Specific exceptionDocumentation
For specific learning activities (class-based exception)Unit of work, learning sequence
For students for whom a reasonable adjustment to a learning program is needed because of a disability or learning difficultyIndividual Learning Plan, Individual Education Plan

2. Health and wellbeing-related exceptions

3. Exceptions related to managing risk when students are offsite

Specific exceptionDocumentation
Students with a health conditionStudent Health Support Plan
Students who are Young CarersA localised student record
Specific exceptionDocumentation
Travelling to and from excursionsRisk assessment planning documentation
Students on excursions and campsRisk assessment planning documentation
When students are offsite (not on school grounds) and unsupervised with parental permissionRisk assessment planning documentation
Students with a dual enrolment or who need to undertake intercampus travelRisk assessment planning documentation

Where an exception is granted, the student can only use the mobile phone for the purpose for which it was granted.