Koori Update

All programs are in full swing for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students this term and everyone is enjoying the many opportunities that have been made available.


I’d like to welcome our new Aboriginal Education Officer, Ms Macey, who will be working Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this year. Ms Macey’s role is to support our students in class and provide links to the community to enhance opportunities and experiences for all. She is able to support the students with assessment tasks, classwork and links to social and cultural connections. Please make her feel welcome when you see her around the school.

Young Mob

Young Mob is a program sponsored by World Vision for Year 7 and 8 students. Young Mob meets every Thursday Period 2 in the library for cultural sessions


NASCA are a national program for students in Years 7-10. Two mentors are here every Tuesday and Wednesday and offer in class support and mentoring sessions. The senior students who have been part of the program will be offered regular check ins but will not have time out of class.

Participation in these programs are not compulsory. They are highly recommended and encouraged for their professional approach to culture, education and opportunities for our students. Our students need to note that participation in these programs is influenced by their attendance, behaviour and completion of class work and assessment tasks. Students may be removed from the programs if they are not satisfying the school core values.

Pathways to Dreaming is an initiative from Western Sydney University which promotes and encourages tertiary education for our students. Our mentor Chris visits the school twice a term and offers cultural and academic opportunities for students in Years 7-12.


PLP’s – personalised learning plan interviews have commenced and students have been given the opportunity to prefill a Google form to allow us to understand what goals and needs they have. Information letters went home a few weeks ago. If you would like to be involved in your child’s interview please let me know by emailing the contact on the letter. It is not too late to be involved if you want to.

Harmony Day 

We had a great day celebrating Harmony Day last week. We set up a stall in the main quad at recess and lunchtime on Tuesday and we provided lots of fun activities for the whole school. Students were able to decorate boomerangs, paint rocks, complete writing activities and a colouring in competition. There was even a cheezell guessing competition highlighting the colour orange which is the official colour of Harmony Day. I was so impressed with the amount of students who volunteered to run the stall, from setting up tables and blowing up balloons, students from all Year groups worked together to provide a great cultural experience for the whole school.

KARI Camp 

3 senior students and 6 junior students have applied to be a part of a 3 day camp run by the KARI foundation in the upcoming school holidays. Students have been sent an email and were asked to fill in a form once they had talked to their parents/carers. We are waiting to hear who are the successful applicants.


With Reconciliation Day and NAIDOC Week fast approaching we are providing more opportunities for our students to be involved with learning more about their culture and celebrating here at school. Plans are already under way for whole school events. If you have any links to programs and activities that you think would benefit the students please contact the school and ask to talk to one of us about what you could offer.

If you require any additional information about any of the programs we offer here at school please feel free to email me nicole.meyers@det.nsw.edu.au


If you prefer to talk to me, please call the school and ask to speak to me or leave a message.

We look forward to working with you and your children to provide the best opportunities for us all.