Parents & Friends 

Parents & Friends 2018 Committee

President—Kristie Scott, Treasurer - Michael DeMaria, Secretary - Lisa Macreadie, Public Relations Officer - Kim Smith, Communications - Tina Kennedy, School Rep - Ann Margaret Carroll, School Board Rep - Kylie Glover,  General Committee Members - Kylie Glover, Narelle Wood, Rebecca Smith, Peita Sleeth, Tina Kennedy .

UPDATED - Term 3 fundraiser 

Thank you to everyone for supporting this fundraiser. Not only was this successful in raising funds, it was fun and exciting for the students to receive their orders.


Total amount raised was $2300. We would like to thank everybody who participated in the Krispy Kreme fundraiser and a special thanks to all the fabulous volunteers who helped sort the orders prior to collection on Friday.

Check out the number of boxes that Kristie collected from 'Krispy Kremes' in Fawkner, Melbourne.  


2020 FETE

Expression of interest....

We are looking for a sub committee for the Fete to work along side our Parents & Friends to help plan & prepare for our School Fete scheduled for the 13th March 2020.

Extra hands makes lighter work. 

We want to make it bigger and better than previous years, but we need help to make this possible.  So if you are able to help in any way please complete the attached expression of interest form and return to the school office.

You will not be alone, full support and assistance will come from the parents and friends. 

Please complete by 10th September 2019

Dates to remember

Upcoming events that the P&F will be organising are - 

Children's Disco - Friday 25th October - Halloween Theme

Ladies Night

Bunnings BBQ - Sunday 1st December

Save The Date 

  • Friday 13th March - 2020 School Fete

4. SAVE THE DATE: 13th March 2020 SCHOOL FETE


Student disco

Freaky Friday - Halloween Theme

To be held on Friday 25th October 2019

Preps, ones and 6’s at 5.45 and all others at 6pm all finishing at 7.30pm

$5.00 entry - will include bottle of water, 2 glow sticks and entry

A Canteen with items to purchase will be available on the night.

Volunteers will be contacted this weekend

Ladies Night

Come along and enjoy a social evening to meet and mingle with other ladies or bring along a friend whilst supporting our Parents & Friends.

This will be held at Bill n' Beats on Friday 22nd November at 7pm.

Please see the attached flyer for further information.

Bunnings BBQ

We will be running the BBQ at Bunnings Shepparton on Sunday 1st December

Bunnings BBQ's are enjoyed by customers every week. These are valuable fundraising opportunities for local community groups, and all of the funds raised go straight to the community group conducting the fundraiser, in this case St Mary's Primary school. Bunnings BBQ's are extremely popular and are typically booked out up to six months in advance, we have been fortunate to have 2 opportunities this year. 

Thank you to everyone who responded to our call out for help, Volunteers will be contacted in next couple weeks. If you are interested, some further volunteers would be great for the afternoon shifts.


This will be held on Friday 13th March 2020

 A HUGE THANK YOU to all the volunteers that have donated their time for the Fete community.

We had a very successful meeting last night and new ideas were suggested.

Our next meeting for the Fete is the 10th December 2019 at 7pm in the staff room to finalise things prior to the holidays.

Please contact Kim Smith 044957994 or Kristie Scott 0409725558 if you have any questions.

We are always open to new ideas or if you would like to be on the Fete committee please let us know.

Classroom Purchases

Recently each classroom received $100 from the P&F to purchase new resources for the children.  The teachers were most appreciative with most classes already been shopping. Here are some pictures of where the funds were spent.


Thank you

Kristie Scott

P&F President

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples. –

Mother Teresa