Important Notices

Victorian Principals Day 2019

On Monday 5th August, all staff were invited to a special morning tea to celebrate Victorian Principals’ Day 2019. This was an important opportunity to recognise the valuable work and contribution of our Principal team of Susanne, Randal and Shannon. Their leadership, knowledge and support are crucial to the successful running of our school. As leaders, Susanne, Randal and Shannon actively support and promote the school’s vision and values and lead with compassion, approachability and professionalism. On behalf of School Council and the BPPS community, our President Jacquie White passed on a sincere thank you and appreciation to our team of learned, passionate and capable leaders who continue bringing new ideas to our curriculum and offer such a breadth of experiences to our students. It was lovely to be able to acknowledge, celebrate and thank our Principal team for all of their hard work leading our school community with a beautiful morning tea.


Kristen Schultz

Father's Day Stall

Father's Day Stall will be run on Friday 30th August from the midday until 4pm, to allow the Grade 4's returning from camp to purchase a gift.  Please remember to bring some money on the day.



We’re looking for help with the Father’s Day stall on Friday 30th August from midday onwards. If you’re able to help out for an hour or so please get in touch with Pia 0478 144 834 or Nancy  0411 371 989.

School Banking

To all the families who do school banking every Tuesday;

Please check that the coins which are put in your child's bankbook are Australian coins only.

We (the volunteers) do not have the authority to accept and process foreign coins and the bank does not accept foreign currency either.

If foreign coins are identified in your child's bankbook, they will not be accepted and they will be returned to you.

Thank you

OSHC Holiday Care

Bookings for the OSHC September holiday program are now open, please see the OSHC Page.

Whole School Photo order


Date changed - Friday September 6th