Specialist News


Thank you to all the wonderful Junior School parent helpers we have had in the library over the last few weeks. The students have made a great effort to keep the shelved books looking organised!

Visual Arts

The Visual Arts has come to end for this year. It has been such a wonderful, creative space and all students have worked really well on their artworks, studying and exploring different artists and have successfully engaged in a variety of artistic materials.


The Preps have finished painting their paper mache vases and these are looking wonderful! They have also trialled ‘action painting’ and have watched a video on Jackson Pollock in his studio.


The grade 1T and 1/2D have been exploring the artist Alexander Calder and have responded in weaving techniques and creating wire bead sculptures. These have been hung up in the hall way. These look delicate and beautiful, the students have critically explored pattern and structure when creating these works.


The grade 2/3A and 3/4S have also been exploring Alexander Calder but have responded in a different way. They have been using shapes to create an abstract structure. Calder is an artist that worked particularly with sculpture, metal and abstraction. They have created these structures out of cardboard and plaster and are painting their patterns on with acrylic paint. These are looking sensational!!!


The grade 5/6 students have been continuing with their lino works and have produced 6 prints, all in different colours. The students have understood the process and time it takes to create a great print.


I have personally enjoyed working with all these students in the Visual Arts room. All students have such fantastic imagination, creative flare and exuberant expression!!! I have really treasured and valued working with these young artist and hope to see their artworks in galleries someday. Thank-you artists! Keep creating!!!!


Visual Arts Teacher: Annie Paterno

Term 1 and Term 2






An assortment of Miss Paterno's artworks: