From the Principal's Office

Mr Chad Harris

Reports and Three-Way Interviews

Reports were sent home last week. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions relating to the reports.

  • Reports provide a ‘point in time’ assessment of student learning.
  • The ‘Outstanding to Limited’ grade scale describes how well students achieve against the NSW Syllabus outcomes for the first semester.
  • Teachers use several methods to assess student achievement against the NSW Syllabus outcomes.
  • The grade is not focused on a single piece of work.

A booking sheet was sent home with the reports which allows parents to schedule interviews via an online platform. If you need assistance in booking the interview, please contact the office. 


This year, we are scheduling face to face interviews on Tuesday, 19 July. If you are unable to attend this evening, please contact your child’s teacher and make arrangements for an interview at another time. We understand that there may be some parents/carers who would prefer a phone interview rather than face to face. Please contact your child's teacher to arrange this at a mutually convenient time.


Reading Workshop

Last week saw the first instalment of parent workshops that we have been able to run in a number of years. The workshop focused on supporting reading at home for students using decodable texts. The workshop was well attended by parents who provided positive feedback. Thank you to Mrs Badham for all her hard work. More workshops will be run during Term 3 and 4 on a variety of topics.


Staffing Changes

Next term will see some changes to staffing across the school. Mrs McLaughlin has been successful in getting a relieving Assistant Principal position in the support unit at Campbelltown North Public school for the rest of 2022. We are pleased to announce that Mrs Purches will be taking K-6R for the remainder of the year. Mrs Loveday has been successful in picking up a one day per week Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction position at our school. She will remain on 3/4L.


Natalie Dudukovic has been successful at merit selection and will be joining us next term as Assistant Principal for K-2. Natalie is currently at Tahmoor PS and comes highly recommended. Natalie will be job sharing with Mrs McCauley on 1/2M.



This week will see the students involved in NAIDOC celebrations across the school.  This is a great time for our students to show pride in culture and share experiences.  The celebration on Wednesday is shaping up to be a huge event. This year’s theme of Get Up, Stand Up and Show Up highlights the need for us to amplify our voices and narrow the gap between aspiration and reality, good intent and outcome.


End of Term

Thank you to everyone for an enjoyable term. We have battled through a few issues and have come out stronger. Enjoy the time with your families and have a safe break. School resumes for students on Tuesday 19 July.



Chad Harris,
