Searching for New Ways to Support Students Transitioning to GEC

Reflecting On Teaching And Learning Observed At Caulfield Primary School

On 26th May 2022, a group of Japanese and English teachers visited Caulfield Primary School to observe teaching and learning practices. This experience was organised to enhance our understanding of the needs of learners to improve support for their transition into Year 7 at Glen Eira College (GEC). 


GEC staff observed the teaching of Years 5 and 6 classes in Numeracy, Literacy and Japanese. The visit was a complete success, GEC staff recorded observations on what the teacher and students were doing. Japanese teachers at Caulfield Primary School instructed in Japanese for extended periods, using some complex language patterns, an excellent stepping stone into senior writing. Students learning in Japanese classes were engaged and responsive, often working in specific learning groups and were observed writing short texts in Japanese. Students were eager to be understood by practising their Japanese speaking. 


Literacy classes were arranged in learning groups, the teacher used learning aims and success criteria to articulate expectations and differentiate the learning. Students completed free writing activities and were given independence and voice in their work. It was observed that the essay writing skills and identifying language features activities are built on in Year 7 at GEC. 


In conclusion, the reflections and observations GEC staff recorded will be used to further develop our understanding of the needs of our Year 7 students to support their transition into Glen Eira College. Thank you to staff and students for this valuable experience, we look forward to Caulfield Primary staff visiting GEC in future. 


Clinton Chiumello

Teaching and Learning Leader