Breakfast Club

GEC School Breakfast Club

The GEC School Breakfast Club runs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning from 8:00am to 8:30am, enter Food Tech room 2.


Winter is in full swing and the GEC Breakfast Club is bustling with students!  Now serving:

  • hot cheese toasties with fresh tasty cheese slices
  • hot baked bean toasties
  • steaming hot porridge with milk & honey
  • fresh apples & fruit cups
  • Bakers Delight Toast with honey or vegemite
  • a variety of healthy cereals

School Holiday Supply Packs

The Breakfast Club at Glen Eira College can support students who may not have access to enough food at home.  Each "school holiday pack" contains enough breakfast food, snacks and lunches to help support one student for two weeks.  These can be picked up from the school before the end of the term.  Please contact the school on 9571 7838 to let Reception know you'd like a pack put aside for you to pick up.



GEC acknowledge the generous support of Foodbank, Bakers Delight Carnegie and Melbourne Food Distributors.


Kelli Lawson

Breakfast Club Coordinator