Faith & Mission




The Year 10 Community Action Day was held earlier in this term. The feedback from the students recognizes the great work done by Mrs Anne Marie Allan in bringing together representatives from a range of community action organizations. As well, there is appreciation of the efforts of the Year 10 Student Leadership Team in putting together the team building activities for the afternoon session.


The Year 10 Reflection Day was such a lovely experience! The speakers from Lander and Rogers were such an inspirational and eye-opening way to start the day and the following 'target' group speakers from several voluntary organizations were so engaging. Audrey Callinan


The Reflection Day was a great opportunity to see the whole year level and socialize. It was also really interesting learning about my chosen workshop, which was the development school. That was definitely the highlight of my day.  Jenny Truong



I was encouraged and inspired by the workshop as well as the two speakers on the Year 10 Reflection Day, the speakers opened my eyes to what can be done. Stephanie Singline


I was in the Sacred Heart group. It was very interesting learning about reusing and recycling clothes as well as how the service helps the homeless and volunteering. Ada Ryan


It was very inspiring to experience the Friends of the Earth workshop. It helped me to feel a sense of justice about the protection of not only these koalas, but of the earth.  Francesca Smith


The part that stood out to me the most on our Reflection Day was the guest speakers, as it motivated me to want to help out people in need or even to join/start a community group. This is because the joy, both ladies got out of helping others and impact it had on the people they were helping."  Olivia Cover


Volunteering is very special to me as I always want to make sure others have the support and help they need. Being able to participate in the Friends of The Earth was extremely enjoyable as I was able to grasp a better understanding of how to help our earth and the animals around us, specifically Koalas.  Hannah Cullen


The Year 10 Reflection Day was very educational as it opened me up to new ideas and taught me a lot about volunteering. Sienna De Fazio



Last Sunday was the feast of Corpus Christi – the Body of Christ.


My wife is a member of the board of the Corpus Christ Community in Greenvale. As a consequence, I had the privilege of attending Mass at Greenvale on their Feast Day.


The Corpus Christi community was founded by Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity in 1974 as a place of welcome for men suffering homelessness, unemployment, family breakdown and addiction. From the earliest days of the community, Sisters of Mercy were actively working to provide for the needs of the men.


Being with this community for Mass, gave me an awareness of the fullest meaning of ‘Corpus Christi’.


Being able to celebrate Eucharist with the men was special. As a community of faith, we received the gift of Christ’s body and blood. All of us who were in that beautiful community chapel were there because this was a nourishment we knew we needed.


Standing in the grounds in the winter sun, I could feel the history of this wonderful place. These are the grounds where Mother Teresa had blessed the foundation stone and where the Sisters of Mercy along with other religious orders and volunteers had worked day and night to support those in need. 


For me, this was an awareness of that fuller meaning of the ‘Body of Christ’ of which St Paul wrote. 


For their class Mass, Year 8 Purple chose the theme of Inclusion. The passage they chose for the first reading was from the letter of St Paul to the Corinthians. 


Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.


This feast of the Body of Christ is a celebration of inclusion. The Mass that we celebrated in the Greenvale chapel was for all who suffer homelessness, unemployment, family breakdown and addiction. Whatever their nationality, whatever their gender, whatever the addiction that enslaves them, they are part of the one body of Christ.

End of Term

I wish all members of our College community a restful and restorative break during the mid semester holidays. I thank all who have worked hard to support our Religious Education classes and our work in the broad sphere of Faith and Mission this term.

Mr Mark Hyland

Director of Faith and Mission