
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Learning & Teaching

Dear Parents/Guardians,


After a busy term, both students and staff are looking forward to a well-deserved break. 


To our Year 10 and Year 11 students who most recently completed exams, I extend my congratulations.  All our students engaged in the examination process in earnest, demonstrating maturity and resilience in dealing with the pressure of this type of assessment. Whatever the final result, I hope they realise that the experience itself was the important learning opportunity: honing their revision skills, working under time pressure and using discernment in responding to the stimulus provided. 


For our VCE students in Year 12, this school break offers a respite from the continual assessment cycle that is characteristic of their final year. While I hope they use this time to rest and reset before their final semester at school, I also encourage them to not lose sight of their studies altogether.  This break is a valuable opportunity to reflect on their learning to date, and to keep to a consistent, albeit reduced, study schedule, to help them prepare for the forthcoming external exams. 


Our 7 – 11 students may find that they have some preparation and study to complete over the holidays.  However, by and large, this mid year break is one where students have time to rest: to devote time to family, to friends and to exploring other interests and passions outside of school.  After the momentous shift of the last two years to the momentum of full time, onsite learning, this will be a welcome break indeed! 



Just a reminder that End of Semester Reports will be available through the parent portal, PAM from Friday at 4pm. 


Wishing everyone in our community a safe and happy holiday break.    


Ms Fiona Lennon

Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching