
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL  Wellbeing & Operations

Dear Parents/Guardians,


As we come to the end of another very busy term, I would like to commend the students for the manner in which they have completed the first semester of their studies. Coming off the harsh restrictions of 2021, this is the first full semester of face-to-face learning that that we have had in two years. The students have continued to show resilience and growth in all aspects of College life. There has been a real focus on making sure that all in the Academy community have experienced a sense and feeling of connection and re-connection this semester and I can genuinely say that it has been a roaring success. Led by the Student Wellbeing Leaders through different Mentor Group and year level activities and the Student Wellbeing Team with a variety of initiatives, there has been a great sense of community, belonging and camaraderie amongst all at the Academy. 


I do invite and encourage all students and their parents / guardians to find some time over the next two weeks to reflect on all efforts and achievements so far this year. This reflection should then inform all students of the approach they need to employ in Semester 2 to continue to improve in all aspect of their personal development and their studies. 

New Victorian Child Safe Standards

As mentioned previously, at the Academy we are in the process of updating policies, documents and practices that are compliant and in line with the new Victorian Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 1359 (MO 1359), Implementing the Child Safe Standards – Managing the risk of child abuse in schools and school boarding premises. This Ministerial Order provides a framework for how schools can action the eleven new Victorian Child Safe Standards which will come into effect from 1 July 2022. This is an opportunity for us to build on our existing child safety policies and practices to address the new Standards.


The key considerations and foci of the new standards remain around upholding the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and in particular empowering families, children, young people and staff to have a voice and raise concerns, whilst implementing rigorous risk management and employment practices.

Updated and revised policies and guidelines will be shared with the Academy community and updated on the College website in due course.

If parents ever have any concerns around any aspect of Child Safety, please never hesitate to contact me at the College.


While most of the students have been wearing the winter uniform correctly over the course of this term, there are still a few students who need to address the following:

  • Jewellery – no ankle bracelets, wrist bracelets, inappropriate and/or multiple earrings (one earring in each lobe of the ear is permitted) necklaces, nose rings, etc.
  • Shoulder length hair or longer should be tied up at all times
  • No extreme hair styles or colours
  • Skirts should be at mid-knee length or longer
  • Fitted pants are not to be rolled up;
  • No coloured socks/wearing socks over tights 
  • No make up
  • No eye lash extensions
  • No fake nails

I would ask you to encourage your daughters to ensure their uniform always looks its best, including whilst they are travelling to and from school. I would also encourage your daughters to use the holidays to address any items of uniform that may not be up to standard. Students continue to receive warnings and detentions when their uniform does not meet the Academy standards. There will be uniform blitzes over the next semester where there will no longer be warnings but instead more detentions issued and, in some cases, students will be sent home until their uniform is addressed. Your support with this matter is much appreciated. 

Online safety

Over the last few weeks some of the Academy Wellbeing Leaders and I have had to deal with several online issues. Many of these involved social media platforms such as Messenger, Snapchat and Instagram. On all occasions the issues involved not only Academy students but also students from other schools and all took place after hours, some of them well into the night or even the very early hours of the morning. 


Could I please ask all parents to ensure that they monitor and are aware of their daughter’s online activities? 


Please do not hesitate to refer to the Office of the e-safety commissioner website for resources, ideas and strategies. The website address is https://www.esafety.gov.au/. At school we work very hard at ensuring that our students are not only safe but are also responsible citizens online. The vast majority certainly are. But unfortunately, in every school there are a small number whose actions are not desirable or acceptable. We will continue to work hard to get the ‘digital footprint’ message across and offer students the appropriate learnings associated with all things digital. 

New Trend on Tik Tok

Further to the above, we would like our school community to be aware of the latest Trend on TikTok which is a "game" Guess Who? which is having detrimental impacts on young people. Please take time to read this short article and speak to your daughters about their use of TikTok. At the Academy, there will be a zero-tolerance approach and the most serious sanctions given to any students who create / comment / ‘like’ or even share pages of this nature. 



I wish all students a very happy Term 2 break. For those lucky enough to be escaping the freezing conditions in Victoria, enjoy your time interstate. For those who are remaining in Melbourne, rug up and re-experience what this beautiful city has to offer. Most of all, regardless of what you are doing and where you are going, remain safe and we look forward to seeing you all back at the Academy at the beginning of Term 3.  

Mr Sam Di Camillo

Deputy Principal, Wellbeing & Operations