REC News

Dear Parents and Carers,


Today, staff engaged in a spiritual retreat facilitated by the Spirituality team from the CSO. 


The morning was a great time to reflect on our connections with God and how we can deepen our relationships with Him. Our focus was Cry of the Heart and Cry of the Earth, both topics from the Bishop’s Social Justice Statement 2021-2022. 


After many years of drought, then fires, and floods, the cry of the Earth topic touched the hearts of all the staff. We are called to care for all of Creation and take pride in all that God has created. From this, we strive to instil a sense of pride in our students for our school environment. Our focus for the remainder of this term is to build students' understanding of this statement and how they can contribute to caring for our school environment. 


We hope to be proud of our school, and its environment through pride in our uniforms, our work, and ensuring our classrooms and playground are respected and cared for.


Social Justice Statement 2021-22

In the Statement, the Bishops invite the whole Catholic community to join them in taking up Pope Francis’ invitation to a seven-year journey towards total ecological sustainability, guided by seven Laudato Si’ Goals. These Goals are: response to the cry of the earth; response to the cry of the poor; ecological economics; sustainable lifestyles; ecological spirituality; ecological education; and community engagement and participatory action.


The Statement especially encourages Catholic families, communities and organisations to: listen to the First Nations; reflect on the theological foundations offered in Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor; and plan their next steps towards the Laudato Si’ Goals.


As a Catholic School, we encourage our students to understand and act upon social justice issues, including our Fundraising Fridays in support of Catholic Mission. We are also looking into supporting Vinnie’s Winter Appeal to support people experiencing poverty, homelessness and disadvantage. 


More information regarding the appeal will be sent home over the next week.


Yours in faith,


Karlee Hatton

Acting Assistant Principal/Religious Education Coordinator

St Andrew's Parish Bulletin

Please find attached the St Andrew's Parish Bulletin for this Sunday, 12 June