
It has been a very busy term with sport, we started off the term with the CSC athletics carnival and finished with our Senior Girls and Year 9/10 Boys Netball. Amongst all the different sports CSC where apart of the students always displayed the CSC values and they represented themselves and the college proudly. I would also like to recognise all the staff and student helpers; without them these events are not possible. Of the many highlights I would like to acknowledge the efforts of our Yr. 9/10 tennis team who won the Sandhurst division and played against schools in the Loddon Mallee region in Mildura (extremely proud of how they conducted themselves for the duration of the trip). Our Yr. 9/10 girls Netball team and boys Soccer team who both competed extremely well and were narrowly denied from finishing top in their division. Again, thank you to those all involved and we look forward to an exciting term 3 with in interschool sport.


Brendan O’Donnell

Sports Co-ordinator


CSC Athletics Carnival 



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