Principal's message

Reflection on Term 2
Our College’s continued focus on improving the quality of teaching and learning has continued during Term 2. As mentioned in our previous newsletter we are currently focussing on all teachers displaying Learning Intentions and Success Crieria for every lesson. This simple, but yet very effective methodology, provides consistency of practice across the College, regardless of the teacher taking the lesson. Having clearly articulated intentions ensures teachers have clarity in their mind about the lesson they are teaching, and it allows all students to have a clear understanding of the lesson topic. Whilst Success Criteria provides students with clear and achievable targets for each lesson.
Our focus on this area aligns with the DET research, specifically around High impact Teaching Strategies (HITS).
Throughout 2022, Kristelle Sherwoon (English Leader), Stephen Samuel (Literacy Learning Specialist) and I, have been participating in the DET’s Leading Literacy course, which is designed to improve overall literacy strategies within a school. The main focus of our work is reviewing our current English and literacy strategies, and identifying areas which can provide all students with access to learning at their point of need. Already we have introduced the MacqLit program, which is designed to support students with phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. We have also added a range of English based electives to the 2023 subjects, allowing students to choose literacy based subjects that link to personal interests. Working with other schools, who have already achieved sustained improvement in literacy levels, will be an ongoing piece of our work.
Overall student attendance data during 2022 has improved, with average absenteeism data decreasing by one day less per student during Term 1. This is a significant achievement considering the strict Covid protocols placed on student attendance during 2022, coupled with a high-volume of students suffering from colds and the flu. A special thanks to families who have re-established supportive routines with their child / children. Mentor Teachers will continue to work closely with families during the second half of the year to maintain, and in some cases, increase attendance.
Mid-Year Mentor Interview Day - Wednesday 13 July (11am - 6pm)
The rationale for this day is to strengthen our mentor program, providing an additional point of contact between the mentor teacher, student and their family. We strongly encourage all families to have read their child's/ children's report before this day. This will allow deep discussion to occur during these interactions. All students are expected to attend an interview with a parent or carer. Classes will not operate on this day.
Term 3 Common Professional Practice Day
For Semester 2, 2022, the Department of Education and Training has provided schools with the option to hold each teacher’s allocated professional practice day on the same day for all staff. This is to enable the most effective and efficient use of this day.
As a result, we have scheduled our professional practice day for Wednesday 7 September. Students will therefore not be required to attend school on this day, except for those completing the GAT (General Achievement Test).
Staffing Update
Congratulations to Martin Mielimaka who has been appointed to the substantive position of Assistant Principal at CSC. Martin was previously an Assistant Principal at Tarneit College, successfully holding this position for 7 years. Prior to that Martin has been in Leading teachers roles for 12 years across 3 different schools.
Sophie Colmont returns to taking her French classes as per the beginning of the year, except for Year 9 Steiner French, which will be shared by Jane Sanderson and Sophie.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Mel Mitchell in her work as Mental Health Practitioner at CSC. Mel has decided to retire and will be relocating to Tasmania. In her role Mel has brought a wealth of knowledge and experience in how to support students and staff with wellbeing concerns. We wish Mel an enjoyable and relaxing retirement.
Early in Term 2 Jane Macdonald decided to retire from teaching. Jane started with the DET in 1987 as a Chemistry teacher and a few years later she retrained as a French teacher. CSC was her second teaching position, which spanned from 2001 to 2022. Her highlights included taking students on exchange to French speaking territories 8 times, including to Reunion Island, New Caledonia and France. Jane instigated the CSC sister school program with a school in Arras, France at the end of 2009, which ran every two years until 2019. Through the French Language Assistant Program, Jane applied for, and co-ordinated 14 language assistants to work with CSC students. Jane provided great support for staff and students in her role as Languages Learning Area Leader. Jane was a passionate and engaging teacher, who particularly enjoyed teaching VCE students. I sincerely wish Jane all the best for her retirement.
Changes to the Calm Learning Space (CLS)
Due to financial constraints, during Term 3, there will be some operational changes to the CLS, with a view to the CLS offering small group support for students. Students who have been accessing the CLS during the first half of the year will still be provided with consistent access each week, however the overall time allocation for each student is likely to decrease. For the vast majority of students who access the CLS, this should be viewed as an opportunity to build skills and attributes, which over time will allow them to spend more time in mainstream lessons.
Justin Hird
Visit from Minister for Education James Merlino and Maree Edwards earlier in the Term.