Junior School, Brooklyn Park

Indigenous Significant Places

This term in HASS, we are learning about Aboriginal culture, their connection with Country and significant places. So far, we have been exploring places and names, and their meanings.


In Week 3, we had Mrs Susanne Milne from South Plympton come and share her experiences of teaching in the APY lands and the lessons she learned during her time there. Last week, the students had a go at making ochre by crushing sandstone and clay rocks to form a paste. This is the traditional way that indigenous people created their art works of Dreaming stories and maps. We used this to create red kangaroo dot paintings, and learned how the name Tarntanyangga (the Kaurna name for Victoria Square) means “red kangaroo rock”.

Sharyn Keating, Liam Grosvenor and Lachlan Brockbank

Year 1/2 Teaching Team, Brooklyn Park

Road Safety Centre

The Year 2 Students enjoyed their visit to the Road Safety Centre on Monday 29 May.