Student Achievements

Every child is blessed by God with unique talents and gifts, and we love to share these with our College community. 


If your child would like their achievements shared to the wider Emmaus community, please email with further information.


Royal Geographical Society of South Australia Awards Ceremony

As previously announced, Petia (Year 8) was the winner of the Royal Geographical Society of South Australia’s Fieldwork Award for Year 8. The award highlights outstanding success in a geographical fieldwork task. Petia’s fieldwork report explored coastal processes and coastal management at Port Noarlunga. 


On 11 May, Petia attended the Awards Ceremony in Mortlock Chamber of the State Library of South Australia, where she was congratulated by the Governor of South Australia, Frances Adamson AC.


Congratulations, Petia. 

Jackson (Year 9) 

Jackson recently competed at the The Vines Golf Club of Reynella state carnival and finished second in the A Grade Boys Stroke category and A Grade Boys Nett category. This result has seen him with a strong chance to be selected in the State Boys Golf team that will compete later in the year. 

Jesse (Year 5) 

Jesse has been selected in the District Boys Hockey team and will go on to compete in the State Hockey Carnival later this term.

Ella (Year 7) 

Ella has been selected to represent School Sport SA at the School Sport Australia 12 years and under girls softball Championship. The championship will be held in Adelaide, South Australia from Sunday 19 to Friday 24 November 2023.

Olivia (Old Scholar 2022) 

Earlier this year, Olivia was selected as part of the State Under 19 Netball squad and her continual development has also seen her selected in the Thunderbirds Futures Netball Squad for 2023 Season.