College News

Information and updates for the whole Emmaus community

Pancake Breakfast

Emmaus Christian College Outreach (ECCO) invites all students to a pancake breakfast!


Friday 2 June, 7.45am at South Plympton 

Friday 9 June, at Brooklyn Park


All proceeds going to Mr Neil Blenkinsop's Pitjantjatjara Bible Bike Ride


Iwiri Blanket Drive

Donate blankets for our friends at Iwiri 


Emmaus has a 30-year-long relationship with the Pitjantjatjara people of Ernabella on the APY Lands. There are also Pitjantjatjara people living in Adelaide who have started their own community centre called Iwiri. Iwiri has meeting and art spaces, at which Emmaus primary classes have done art workshops with Pitjantjatjara artists. 


Iwiri is based in a very old and large building at Port Adelaide. As winter is starting, it is very cold for the people meeting and working there. So Iwiri have reached out to Emmaus and asked if our school community is able to donate blankets to help them get through the winter, as the electric heating option is too expensive for them. 


We hope to be able to donate 40 blankets to them. 


If you are able to support our Pitjantjatjara friends, please leave your clean blankets at Front Offices by Friday 9 June. 


Thankyou for your support.


Artists at work at Iwiri
Artists at work at Iwiri

Pitjantjatjara Bible Bike Ride

Raising funds to publish the first ever Pitjantjatjara Illustrated Children’s Bible


On 7 August 2023, Neil Blenkinsop, Senior School Teacher and Humanities Coordinator at Emmaus Christian College, will embark on an epic 1400km bike ride to Ernabella in the APY Lands to raise the $40,000 needed to complete the Pitjantjatjara Illustrated Children’s Bible and help spread the gospel to future Anangu generations.


The ride is planned to take seven days, and for Neil to arrive at Ernabella to meet the Emmaus Christian College Year 11 students at the Ernabella Anangu School - the commencement of the annual Lands Trip on 14 August.


The Pitjantjatjara Illustrated Children’s Bible will be the first ever children’s art bible produced and is part of the Pitjantjatjara Bible Translation Project - Godaku Tjukurpa Tjunkupai and the Bible Society’s Remote Indigenous Ministry Support


Supported by the Bible Society Australia, the aim is to complete the illustrations by the end of 2023 and to launch the published Childrens’ Bible by early 2025.


All donations will be managed by the Bible Society Australia on behalf of the registered charity, Pitjantjatjara Bible Translation Project - Godaku Tjukurpa Tjunkupai. 


For more information on the charity visit:

ACNC Website 

Bible Society Australia Website



Reconciliation Action Plan 

You're invited to join the Working Group to develop, create and enact the Emmaus Christian College Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). 


A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a formal commitment to reconciliation. It documents how our College will strengthen relationships, respect and opportunities in the classroom, in our College community and with the wider community.


This plan will help us to better articulate our College's goals for reconciliation actions between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and non-Indigenous people, to benefit our students and our community. 


If you are interested in finding out more, visit the Reconciliation Australia website 

See also what is a RAP? 


If you are interested in join the Working Group, alongside Emmaus staff, students and parents, please contact Sandra De Rosa or contact us on 8292 3888.



(Thank you in Kaurna language)


Andrea Grear

Principal, South Plympton Campus

Asthma Information from First Aid

Please read below for an excerpt taken from Asthma Australia website.


Cold weather and the impact it can have on your asthma


Can cold weather trigger asthma?

For some people with asthma, the cold and dry autumn and winter air can induce asthma symptoms and trigger asthma flare-ups.


We know children and adults are more likely overall to be hospitalised for their asthma as the temperatures drop, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.


Researchers believe this is due to a range of factors including the cold and the low level of moisture in the air. The cold weather is also accompanied by the other potential triggers during winter, such as cold and flu, viruses, dust, mould and worsening air quality due to wood fire smoke heaters and open fires.


Why does cold weather act as an asthma trigger for some people?

The airways of people with asthma can become inflamed and make it more difficult to breathe. This is especially noticeable when exercising in the cold or simply inhaling cold air. Researchers believe this is due to the dual impact of the cold and dry air on the airways, plus people breathing in more through their mouth, instead of through their noses. This is important because breathing through the nose can warm, filter and humidify the air before it gets to the airways in the lungs. But when people breathe through their mouths, it goes straight to the lungs and is unfiltered, colder and drier.


Asthma Australia Senior Educator Gemma Crawley says breathing in cold, dry and potentially unfiltered air can dry out the airways, increasing irritation and sensitivity. “This can lead to tightening of the muscle around the airway, and this generates asthma symptoms,” she says.


There are also often more viruses around in winter. This year, of course, we are still experiencing the COVID-19 as well as the normal flu season, both of which can impact the respiratory system.


How to manage asthma in the cold

Generally, triggers are only a problem when asthma is not well-controlled but for others, when it comes to cold and flu – this time of year, is hard to avoid.


An Asthma Action Plan, written by a doctor, highlights the daily preventer and reliever medications required for the individual, and helps to recognise worsening symptoms, and provides clear instructions on what to do. It can also set out what to do in different weather and trigger conditions.


If you are typically someone who has asthma flare ups during winter, we encourage you to visit your doctor for an asthma review to help get your asthma under control before winter sets in. Additionally, we encourage parents to discuss with teachers or other important contacts, your child’s condition, and whether they are impacted by the cold.


Also make sure we have a copy of your child’s written Asthma Action Plan and that you have provided their reliever medication, spacer, and a mask, if appropriate for the age of your child.


If using a preventer is part of your written Asthma Action Plan, make sure this is taken as prescribed. As preventer medication can take up to six weeks to take effect, it is especially important to take this now in the lead up to winter.


Consistent and controlled asthma management is the best way to make sure people with asthma can breathe and live freely this winter.


So, before you head out in the cold, try wrapping a scarf loosely around your nose and mouth. This stops your airways from getting a shock of cold air, which can trigger asthma symptoms.


For more information regarding asthma, cold air, and other winter triggers, call an Asthma Educator on 1800 ASTHMA (1800 278 462).

From the Canteen - South Plympton

The Term 2 Canteen Menu is available here


Canteen Notice: Emergency Lunch Process

At our Canteen, we don’t want any child to go hungry at lunch! So, we are pleased to provide an emergency lunch for children who have forgotten to pack their lunch box or did not order on Qkr or place their order in the class box.


To ensure that all our student and staff orders are made on time, we have a standard emergency lunch consisting of a piece of fruit for recess and, for lunch, the student will be offered one of the following depending on what’s available: a baguette or cheese sandwich or cheese & vegemite sandwich. We can only adjust this emergency lunch order to accommodate special ‘dietary requirements’ but not for ‘taste bud preferences’. 


To request an emergency lunch, Junior School students can go to their class teacher or students services by 9.30am or come to the canteen with an Emergency Lunch Slip from their teacher or student services at the start of lunch and Middle/Senior School students can make the request at the Canteen. Payment is required the following day. 


Please note, we do not check emails during the day, so email requests from parents may not be received in time. Calling the canteen with a late lunch order will be treated the same as an emergency lunch. Calling the canteen is not recommended as we cannot answer the phone during our service times (recess and lunch times) and messages may not be listened to in time.


Your help in the canteen will be greatly appreciated

Most of our parents and caregivers generously volunteer once a term.  Starting time is between school drop off and 9am and finishing between 1.30pm and 2pm or school pick up. To become canteen volunteer, please register here. 


We will then contact you with all the information you'll need to know about volunteering and the induction process. All volunteers and parent helpers are required to provide the College with a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). To apply for a WWCC, please visit the SA Government website.


For more information, please visit the College website here. If you have any questions, please contact us on or call 8292 3888.


The following Term 2 dates are available for Canteen Volunteers:


June 2023

DayWeek 5 (29th-2nd)Week 6 (5th-9th)
Mon Ann Phillips
Wed(no help needed)(no help needed)
Fri(no help needed)(no help needed)
DayWeek 7 (12th-16th)Week 8 (19th-23rd)
MonPublic Holiday 
Tues Celia Dan Wang
Wed(no help needed)(no help needed)
Fri(no help needed)(no help needed)
DayWeek 9 (26th-30th)Week 10 (3rd-7th July)
MonLorraine Scott 
Wed(no help needed)(no help needed)
Fri(no help needed)(no help needed)

God Bless


Sharon Hughes

Canteen Manager


Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35

Volunteer at Emmaus

If you are interested in volunteering at Emmaus this year, please register your interest here.  


You will then receive all the information about the induction process including the volunteer agreement form. Your details will be kept securely, centralised by our College and we will then direct you to the appropriate department or teacher.


We sincerely thank you for your contribution to our community and the lives of our young people.


For more information please email or call us on 8292 3888.


Enquiries are welcome for Year 7-12 enrolments commencing in 2023.

Emmaus Christian College is blessed to have a high demand for student enrolments for future years. However, we currently have some places available for Years 7 – 12 to commence this year in 2023*.


If you know of a family who may be interested in changing their child’s secondary school mid-year, please share this with them. We encourage them to contact us by:


Emailing Hannah Moore, Enrolment Officer

Express your interest online


 *The standard enrolment application process will still apply