Student Awards 

Student of the Week 19th May 2023

PrepAKRajveer C.For working so independently in class and helping others when you can. You are a wonderful role model in Prep AK Rajveer, well done!
PrepBCJoshua L.For working hard in reading. You told me that fingerspelling was helping you. I am so proud that you are a reflective learner! Keep up your amazing effort Joshua!
PrepMCMeghna L.For always listening to instructions and trying your hardest with your reading and writing. You should be very proud of yourself Meghna! Keep up the wonderful work!
PrepWBSkyler M.For always showing such wonderful listening skills and contributing to our class discussions. We love hearing your ideas, Skyler, keep up your fantastic efforts! 
1 DGHeng Jiun L.For engaging in our MSL lesson this week about the long spelling of the sound 'k'. You were able to use /ck/ correctly with a range of words. Keep up the brilliant effort Heng Jiun! Well done. 
1 LPChloe L.For actively participating in all class activities. Your knowledge about the States of Matter in Inquiry was inspirational. You are a superstar, Chloe!
1 NANathaniel M.For your excellent recount about South Melbourne Market. You did a great job following the structure and it seems like you had a wonderful time! Keep it up Nathaniel!
1 VBAyuel G.For being a wonderful role model in 1VB. You always display the school values and try hard with your learning. Great effort Ayuel!
2 CLDesmond C.For settling in so seamlessly to WHPS and for following all classroom expectations. You are a fantastic addition to 2CL and are well on your way to achieving greatness this year! Keep it up Desmond!
2 MDNoah M.For working really hard to write a detailed narrative and include descriptive language. I am so proud of you, keep up the great work Noah!
3 DPOlivia L.For showing a positive mindset towards tasks and always producing work that shows your personal best. Keep it up Olivia!
3 DSEvan L.For making deep connections in his text-to-self and text-to-text work during reading. Keep up the magnificent work, Evan!
3 EBDaniel G.For showing determination and resilience during all learning activities. You are a star Daniel! 
3 LDMason W.For your really insightful facts and opinions during discussions. This week you demonstrated a great understanding of how heat can change states of matter and why storing seeds can be important for the future. You're amazing Mason!
4 MGTalia A.For being a very responsible ICT monitor. You do a wonderful job. What would we do without you Talia?!
4 MPStanley Y. For striving hard to make connections between text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world connections. Impressive reading work, Stanley!
4MPViaan B.For being a reflective learner who is able to accept advice to improve his learning. Fantastic learning habits Viaan!
4 SOShelley P.For doing a fantastic job on your oral presentation. You were a confident, engaging and fun speaker. Keep up the great work, Shelley!
6 FPRose K.For working hard to achieve your learning goals both in class and at home. Keep up the great work Rose. Well done.
6 JSKayaan P.For demonstrating resilience when you realised you had lost a significant amount of work on the computer by knuckling down and doing it again quickly. Keep up the great attitude Kayaan!
6 SCTyler S.For being a kind and considerate friend to his peers during Athletics Day. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated! Well done Tyler.
6 TJRiya S.For working diligently and striving to achieve your learning goals. I admire your work ethic Riya. Well done.

Student of the Week 26th May 2023

PrepAKIan C.For showing great persistence in understanding and learning about place value. Well done Ian. 
PrepBCStefanie W.For trying your very best to record all the sounds you hear during writing tasks. Well done Stefanie!
PrepMCAnish K.For an amazing improvement in your reading! You are always trying to fingerspell new words enthusiastically. I am very proud of you Anish!
PrepWBNarbhavi D.For presenting an amazing short talk after interviewing someone from the community. You confidently looked at your audience and spoke in a loud clear voice. Congratulations, Narbhavi. Keep up the fantastic work!
1 DGRyan W.For sharing to the class during circle time with a loud, clear voice. Your confidence has come a long way. Keep it up Ryan, I am so proud of you!
1 LPJayden S.For confidently presenting your cultural short talk to the class. You were able to engage the audience by telling us an interesting story at the start. Keep up the amazing work, Jayden!
1 NATristan L.For his enthusiasm when completing our MSL tasks this week. You always contribute and try your best. Awesome effort Tristan, keep it up!
1NAEmily W.For her fantastic short talk about her cultural background. You spoke so well and shared lots of interesting facts about the Chinese Dragon. Amazing work Emily!
1 VBAliya H.For the fantastic effort and focus that you put into your learning tasks. Great job with your wonderful weekend recounts and your interesting short talk. Keep it up Aliya!
2 CLHarper M.For taking on teacher feedback to improve your writing. Your commitment to your learning can be observed through your improved handwriting and use of punctuation! Keep up the great work Harper!
2 EBMyra G.For being a kind and caring member of 2EB. It is great to see how much you look out for your friends both in and outside of the classroom. Keep up the great work, Myra!
2 MDHanna W.For always being a kind and caring member of 2MD. You look out for others and work hard at all learning tasks. Keep up the great work, you are a superstar!
2 SPEstelle M.For working hard to complete your work neatly to the best of your ability. Keep up the great work Estelle!
3 DPTanay M.For always producing your best work and consistently showing respect in the classroom. Superstar effort Tanay!
3 DSBrandon T.For always having an enthusiastic mindset towards anything you attempt. 3DS is so lucky to have a role model like you Brandon!
3 EBEvelyn F.For building your resilience and bouncing back when faced with challenges this week. You are incredible Evelyn!
3 LDZayne S.For confidently sharing your thoughts and ideas with the class. Your insightful comments while reading about bridges this week were particularly fantastic. Keep it up Zayne!
4 MGTehan W.For your terrific oral presentation about your special memory. You were very engaging and we enjoyed learning about your first time riding a skateboard! Well done Tehan!
4 MPMonya L.For accurately identifying the  character traits of Miss Trunchbull and using textual evidence to support your responses. Impressive skills Monya!
4 SMYuzo C.For consistently displaying the school values of responsibility and resilience. You are a focussed learner who is always ready for a challenge! You are an excellent role model in 4SM. Well done Yuzo!
4 SOAava S.For your active and wonderful contribution to group discussion in Guided Reading. Your thoughts are always so insightful and fascinating. Keep up the excellent work, Aava! 
5 ARLauren L.For being a kind and caring member of 5AR. You are always willing to help your teacher and your peers. It is wonderful to have you in 5AR Lauren!
5 BCJuan K.For consistently showing responsibility and respect in the classroom. You are a fantastic role model Juan, keep it up!
5 DCZachary V.For demonstrating an excellent attitude on camp and giving everything 100% of your effort! You've done a great job with our follow up activities too Zach. Keep up the terrific work! 
5 TLAustin S.For being an incredibly encouraging and sensible camper. It was amazing to see how well you adapted to the challenges and supported your friends. Keep up the great work Austin.
6 FPAllan K.For enthusiastically participating in our Coach Approach Hip Hop sessions, sharing your new dance moves and 'Baby Freeze' pose! Keep up the great work Allan!
6 JSVyom S.For always being respectful to others in work and play. Keep up the great attitude Vyom!
6 SCRayyan N.For working diligently in the classroom and assisting the teacher and his peers. Well done Rayyan!
6 TJLaura W.For showing an improved mindset towards work in class. As  a result, you are producing higher quality work. Keep it up Laura.