Assistant Principal's Report

Leasyl Richards - Curriculum

26th May 2023


Please take time to read the letter below from one of our school parents, Sam Koutsampasis, who is the new president of the Lions Club- Wheelers Hill. Over the last few years we have had great connections with the Lions Club – from helping some of our students with literacy and numeracy support, providing us with a Buddy Bench and providing opportunities for some of our students to attend the Lions Club camp at Licola in country Victoria.

Dear Parents of Wheelers Hill Primary School, My name is Sam Koutsampasis, a parent of a child at W.H.P.S and also the incoming President of your local Lions Club - the Lions Club of Wheelers Hill. Lions Club of Wheelers Hill are seeking people in our community who are willing to become involved in community voluntary service, and have a desire to making a positive impact on young lives in the future. It is for this reason that I am writing to the school community, to ask if you would consider attending a meeting of our Lions Club and hearing about what others in our community are doing to serve those in need. You may find that your skills and community values could be used to benefit members of our community less fortunate than ourselves as a Lions member. Lions Australia is Australia’s largest service club organisation with a strong history in community service and commitment to improving the lives of others. As well as supporting a number of youth programs, Lions are focused on five (5) global causes as summarised below.

 We would welcome the opportunity to have you attend one of our meetings to learn more about your local Lions Club- if membership is not for you right now, let’s discuss how we can work together to support the school with some of our great youth programs. Regards Sam Koutsampasis Mobile: 0424761825


I was very privileged to be able to attend the Year 5 camp last week. As always, our students were amazing – challenging themselves, working collaboratively, and having lots of laughs and fun! Despite it being cold we had beautiful weather making it all the more enjoyable. After a day at Sovereign Hill our activities included Ziplining, Archery, Commando Course, Canoeing, Leap of Faith, and the Giant Swing. 


A reminder that if you would like your child to participate in the ICAS tests for 2023 next Friday is strictly the last day to enrol.  Please see the Compass posts for further information.



Thank you to 1VB for heading outside to help tidy up the yard 



Week 4

100% Rubbish Free lunchboxes96% Rubbish Free lunchboxes96% Rubbish Free lunchboxes

Week 5

100% Rubbish Free lunchboxes95% Rubbish Free lunchboxes
PWB  1VB   3DS  3EB2CL  4SO   6SC


The Education sub-committee of the School Council reviews the school policies each month. You do not need to be a member of School Council to be on the Education sub-committee. If you would like to be involved please contact me Please note the majority of the correspondence for members of this subcommittee is via email. 


This week is our Assessment Week. Teachers undertake various 1:1 assessments to not only ascertain where you child is sitting on the curriculum continuum but also where their next point of learning is. Wheelers Hill Primary School has a very extensive, sequential assessment schedule which ensure consistency within each year level and between different year levels. Teachers use various assessments to determine your child’s level of progression in the Victorian Curriculum.  Semester Reports will be made available to parents at the end of the term. 


Leasyl Richards