Faith, Justice and Formation

St Patrick’s College Winter Appeal 2023

The last couple of cold mornings have been a reminder that winter is upon us once again, and as the days get shorter and the nights get colder, we must remember those who are less fortunate than us and help those who do not have a place to sleep this winter. We are so fortunate to have a home to go to, warm blankets, as well as food and basic hygiene. To help those who are sleeping rough and to show them the dignity they deserve as human beings through our love and care, we will be holding our Annual SPC Winter Appeal tomorrow, Thursday 25 and Friday 26 May. All donations will be distributed between SVDP (St Vincent De Paul), The House of Welcome and Catholic Care to spread our reach across the city and state.


It would be greatly appreciated if every student brings the following:

  • A blanket or sleeping bag (the simple ones from Kmart and the like are great or the blankets/sleeping bags can be used ones if they have been cleaned).
  • A toiletry item (all small in size so they are easy to carry when on the streets) allocated by house below.

Optional extras for people to bring in are: NEW beanie, scarf, socks, underwear (in packet), men’s singletsPlease DO NOT bring any clothes. (Anything outside the requested items will be sent back home, sorry.)


Please help us by following the directions for donation below. This assists us with the large numbers and the organisation we need to undertake.


ALL boys in Berg, Coghlan and Crichton are to bring their donations in on Thursday 25 May.


ALL boys in Hanrahan, Hickey and Rice are to bring their donations in on Friday 26 May.

Thursday 25 MayFriday 26 May 


(120 – 150g)


Travel size shampoo 

(and conditioner)


COGHLANToothbrushes x 2 HICKEYDeodorant (mostly men’s)

Small liquid body soap 

(NO pump packs)

RICESmall moisturiser

All items will be collected in homeroom on the allocated day. This should assist families by having all sons bring in on the one day. All items should be brand new. 


As people in a privileged position, our generosity is vital in order to help those who cannot afford these luxuries. Homelessness is a significant, although often hidden, problem in Sydney and New South Wales. Especially at this present time there are so many people in need of adequate housing who would never have imagined that they would find themselves in this position. There has been much discussion in the public sphere about the shortage of adequate housing and the rising cost of rent. This is having an impact on so many people and we are called to act.


The Winter Appeal will be followed up by the optional Winter Sleep Out for students in early Term 3. Details regarding this will be placed in the Especean later this term.


Thank you in advance for your support.


Karim Lattouf                                         Adam Leslie

Social Justice Prefect                       Acting Director of Identity

Solemnity of Mary Help of Christians

The feast day to Mary Help of Christians has been celebrated in Australia since 1844 but the history to this day dates back to the start of the 1800s.


Napoleon Bonaparte had jailed Pius VI who died in jail. When Pope Pius VII was elected, he too was jailed by Bonaparte, who kept him prisoner at Fontainbleau.


The Holy Father vowed to God that if he were restored to the Roman See, he would institute a special feast in honour of Mary.


The military eventually forced Bonaparte to release the Pope and on 24 May 1814, Pius VII returned in triumph to Rome.


Twelve months later the Pope decreed that the feast of Mary Help of Christians be kept on 24 May.


The infant church in Australia had a special reason for turning to Mary. No priests were sent to the colony in its early days and Mass was not allowed except for one brief year until 1820. It was largely the Rosary in those early days that kept the faith alive.


Catholic Australia remained faithful to Mary and was the first nation to choose her under the title Help of Christians, as principal Patroness.

Almighty ever-living God,

Who placed the love of Our Lady, Help of Christians

In the hearts of those

Who brought the Catholic faith to Australia,

Grant, through her intercession,

Wisdom to our leaders and integrity to our citizens,

So that, under her protection,

Australia may know harmony, justice, and peace,

Through Christ Our Lord. 



Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.

Year 5 Belonging Day 2023 

Last Thursday, the Year 5 students participated in another event that increased their connection to the College through connecting with their faith. 

The cohort were split across venues at Hunters Hill and Parramatta and were blessed with some fine weather after a couple of wet years. After getting to know students outside their own homeroom we focused on three main areas: 

  • The example that Jesus gave for how we should live our lives 
  • The way that Edmund Rice heard and followed the call to follow Jesus 
  • How can we use our gifts to be more like Jesus? 

Some Year 11 and 12 leaders assisted on the day as group leaders and added to the younger students’ experience through their energy and college spirit. A great day was had by all and reinforced our place of belonging at St Patrick’s College. 


Adam leslie

Acting Director of Identity

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