Acting Principal

Over the last week the College has celebrated major community events. On Friday 19 May at our College Assembly, we celebrated Fr Jack Evans’s Golden Jubilee. Fifty years to the day, Fr Jack was ordained as a Columbian Priest. For over half of his fifty years as a priest, Fr Jack has devoted his life to the young men and staff of St Patrick’s College. He has been an integral part of our community as he has shared his ministry. He has celebrated our Mother’s, Father’s and Founder's Day Masses as well as leading our Opening School Masses. He has shared family occasions with weddings and baptisms as well as guiding our families through great loss. Fr Jack has dedicated his life to serving God and walking with the SPC community. For that, Fr Jack, we are eternally grateful.
On Friday night, I was delighted to attend the annual Blue, Black and Gold P&F Dinner at Doltone House. A community celebration attended by over five hundred parents. Every year group was represented by parents in our community. There was an amazing sense of community spirit as everyone was so grateful to be able to catch up in a relaxed atmosphere. There was a real sense of community building as everyone shared a meal together before everyone rose to their feet and moved to the dance floor. I have not seen so much dancing by so many people in a long time and that is a testament to the strength of the SPC community. A special thanks must go to our Parents and Friends President, Mrs Elena Ierardo and her organising committee lead by Caroline Chahin and Janet Tannous.
Wellbeing Week
At our College Assembly last week, Matthew Younan (Wellbeing Prefect) launched Wellbeing Week. Over the course of this week our Student Leaders have been in homerooms to talk to all our students about wellbeing, and what it means to look out for their mates. Ensuring that all our students know that it is okay to ask for help. On Wednesday 24 May, Amy Haddadi from Safe on Social presented to our students on the importance of being safe online, ensuring the protection of not only their own wellbeing but the wellbeing of others as they navigate the online world. A special thanks to Mr Sinadinos (Acting Director of Wellbeing) and Mr Simpson for organising the Safe on Social presentations as well as Mrs Sinadinos (Acting Student Wellbeing Coordinator) and our student leaders for putting Wellbeing in the spotlight and sending a message to our student body that we are all there for each other.
In Memoriam
We keep in our prayers the following staff:
- Ms Metua (Diverse Learning) for the loss of her father this week.
- Ms Visconti (Finance) for the loss of her mother this week.
- Ms Cheng (Science Faculty) in our prayers whose father passed away this week.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. |
Adrian Byrne
Acting Principal