Around the Grounds

Year 10 First Aid Course
On Tuesday 16th of May the Year 10 Certificate III Sport and Recreation students completed two units of competency with trainer and assessor Martin Wawzrynczak from the Saville Registered Training organisation.
Students demonstrated competency in HLTAID (Provide First Aid) and SISXEMR001 (Respond to Emergency Situations).
All are proficient first aiders having completed practical and theory assessments.
Mrs Julieanne Douglas
Teacher VCE VET Sport and Recreation
Mr Robert Newton Author Visit
Our Year 7 students had the wonderful experience of hearing from author Robert Newton about their current English text, Runner. During a one-hour session on Friday May 19th, Rob entertained our students with stories about his journey towards becoming an author, as well as his day job as a firefighter.
Anay G (Year 7.2) reflected on the session: “While he was talking about Runner, I realized the immense effort that you need to put into making a book, like you can’t just open a word document and start typing. Robert visited the area where the book is set to gain a perspective of how Charlie Feehan (the main character) would experience things in the book. It was great that he signed our books at the end of the session.”
Mrs Alison Raiden
(Head of Library and Digital Resourcing)
Mr Stuart James Visit (Former Mayor of Monash)
Last week our Year 7s had the opportunity to sit with former Mayor Mr Stuart James who kindly took time to answer questions and engage in conversation about current political issues. Which was a great experience for the Year 7s who are working on their Politics PBL program this term.
Art Exhibition
VCE UNIT 3 Exhibition Excursion ART MAING & EXHIBITING
As part of their Art Making & Exhibiting Unit 3 & Unit 4 studies, students spent a very full day visiting 5 exhibition spaces and 7 exhibitions. We explored a variety of Types of Galleries looking at their similarities and differences in regard to Exhibition planning, display, conservation and curatorial considerations of exhibiting different works in these spaces.
Exhibitions included: the Assembly Space, ACCA, TOP ARTS 23, NGV Australia, MELBOURNE NOW.
Education services at the NGV were again wonderful, with excellent guided discussions and information for our curious and amazing students.
Mrs Marion Power
Head of Visual Art