HT P&F News
Hi All,
Hope you are all well and staying warm.
Its looking like a cold Winter is on the way.
Trivia Night 2023
We had our Trivia night May 13th. It was great to see all the amazing outfits with a wonderful turnout on the night. We raised a tidy sum on the night that we will be passing on to the drama department at the school to assist in them putting on the production coming up in Term 3.
A big thank you to all that attended and also those that bid in our Silent auction on the night.
A massive thanks to all that donated items for the Auction:
- Piccoli photography for their donation of a family portrait package.
- Manikrafts for donating a special painted bottle
- Dulux for donating a paint voucher
- Essex Heights Tennis Club for donating memberships and tennis lessons
Its donations like these from our friendly community that help us raise funds to pass onto initiatives within the school.
A big shout out to our student helpers that ran the coffee cart and made sure everyone could buy and use special tokens on the night. The P&F team that helped out writing questions, packing prizes, setting up and packing away, scoring and all the things behind the scenes. A great team effort. Thank You all. Also to our wonderful teachers who compered the night and made sure everyone had a blast.
Congratulations also to the Breakfast Club who took the win on the night.
Mother's Day Breakfast
On the Friday before Mother's Day we cooked a breakfast for the Junior School mums and kids.
Great to see a huge turnout, the weather treated us to a wonderful morning and it was great to see everyone having a cuppa and a chat with bacon and egg rolls and oat cups.
A big thanks to the P&F team that helped prep, made oat cups and cooked up a storm.
This event raised $975 which has been allocated for the Junior School Council to donate to some female charities of their choice. Giving the kids the opportunity to join in the giving spirit.
Honey Drive 2023
Thanks to all that have purchased honey, we are placing the orders and will have them packed for pickup after the long weekend.
Stay safe and hope to see you around the school soon.
From the HT P&F Committee