Junior School

From the Junior School
The Junior School has been focusing on the virtues of self-discipline, peacefulness, and integrity over the past three weeks. We have had many opportunities to develop and practise these virtues through our assemblies and wellbeing lessons.
The Year 5 and 6 students had a wonderful experience visiting Tasmania in order to learn all about the early European settlement and the convict heritage of the area. We visited the Female Factory, the Penitentiary, the Hobart Museum, Port Arthur, the Coal Mines, Richmond Gaol, and many other places that taught us about early life in the convict settlement. It was a trip full of exciting experiences and wonderful activities which the students will use to enhance their learning about the history and geography of the area.
Our Cross-Country team performed very well at the District Carnival this week. We had 18 students from Huntingtower representing the Division after our interschool cross-country carnival. Congratulations to Audrey W and Katie B who will progress to the next level. We wish them all the best.
Susan Swan
Head of Junior School
Year 5 and 6 Tasmania Camp
Last week, the students from Years 5 & 6 embarked on an incredible camp adventure in Tasmania. The weather graciously smiled upon us, creating the perfect backdrop for our activities, and the students were awesome!
SDSSA Cross Country
Winners again!
We had a very successful day thanks to all students giving it their best effort and showing Huntingtower spirit at the SDSSA XC Carnival. It is great to see students progressing through to the MWD. Well done to the whole team for finishing 1st overall in Division 2.
ELC4 Indigenous Incursion
A few days ago the ELC4 students were lucky enough to enjoy an Indigenous Incursion thanks Didgeridoo Australia, which allowed the students to learn about Aboriginal culture and study animals, artwork and even creating their own boomerang with special rock paint.
Royal Flying Doctor Service
The Year 2 Students were very lucky to learn about the Royal Flying Doctor Service this week. The students gained understanding into its origins and purpose. They were also able to look in an airplane model that was brought to school to enhance their learning experience.
Ms Rebecca Sinclair
Year 2 Teacher
Autumn in the Early Learning Centre (ELC 3)
The children have noticed the changes Autumn brings. They have enjoyed the beautiful Deciduous tree in our playground and have played with the fallen leaves – tossing and kicking them up into the air and running around the tree scuffing them as they ran.
We have also learnt a song about Evergreen and Deciduous trees where we use fabric to show which tree is which before dropping the orange tuille to the ground as the wind blows.
Mrs Christine Flood
Early Learning Centre Teacher