Gifts, Gifts and more Gifts

Brenda Ringwaldt - FOD Mother's Day Organiser

The buzz of excitement was contagious, as for two days the Community Hub foyer flooded with class after class of joyful little people, all there in hopeful pursuit of the “perfect” gift for mum.


If the success of this year's Mother’s Day stall was based purely on the delight of the kids that attended, then the event was a resounding success. There really is something special about watching these precious kids agonize over their choices trying to do their best for mum.

But none of that could take place without the help of parent volunteers. This year we had a team of 58 incredible parents who stepped up over three days (and in the lead up) to help the stall run smoothly. To everyone who helped out – an enormous THANK YOU - we couldn't have done it without you!


Joanna Laidlaw, a first-time helper at the stall this year, said afterwards:

What a wonderful experience to be involved in helping the DCC students choose something for their special someone at the incredible Mother’s Day stall! Some knew what to buy - others required just a little extra help.
The tables were piled high with special goodies from chopping boards, jewellery and fluffy key rings to giant pens and chip clips! 
The organisers of the stall set the tone for the day with a beautiful prayer and kept us sustained with yummy food and water. 
When I returned home on Thursday afternoon, I was tired but full of joy because of the love and fellowship shown by all involved and of course I was hopeful that our DCC mums would be smiling on Sunday morning!

Profits from the sale of donated items are poured back into building community within the school. Activities such as the Welcome Fest, icy poles and popcorn at athletics days, contributions to Year 6 and Year 12 graduations, junior primary discos, barn dances and even doughnut days (see below) are just some of the ways this money will go back into the school and continue to build our incredible DCC community.


So, to all those who contributed whether through donations, baking, helping on the day, or sending their little people with money to purchase something, thank you for your support. And to all those who received flying rubber chickens (sorry)… I hope you’ve already had many fun chicken flinging, memory building competitions with your child. 


Doughnut Day!

Never willing to rest on their laurels, just a week after the success and hard work of the Mother's Day stall, last Friday FOD hosted a doughnut day for all Secondary students and staff. With help from the student leaders at Tindals Road and a community service group at Hall Road, the doughnuts were met with more enthusiasm than we imagined, being sold out not long into lunch time. Next year, we’ll be back with MORE doughnuts!