The Power of Words

Catherine Fernihough - Deputy Head of Primary

As I looked into the face of one precious little Prep boy, my heart was filled as he earnestly sat, determined to read the print before him. After sounding out each phonogram and correctly identifying the word, he cast his eyes up with a face filled with joy, exclaiming "I can read words!" Whilst the celebration was in the joy and excitement of reading words, the sheer power of words can not be underestimated!


We use words to write, spell, problem solve, show kindness and in countless other ways. The reality is, that the words we use have the power to build each other up or tear each other down. This term, as we explore the Primary Wellbeing focus of 'friendship', our students are learning the value of considering the impact words have on relationships. As they navigate 'friendship bumps' and engage, day to day with their peers, they are encouraged to ponder the question, do my words come from God's BAG? Do they build others up, are they appropriate and are they gracious? In Proverbs 16:24 we're reminded that  “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”


During our recent Cross Country event, we witnessed our students shining brightly on what was a very wet and rainy day. The display of good sportsmanship and encouragement through the words exchanged between competing peers was truly a delight and for many was just what was needed to spur them on. Our children demonstrated resilience as they tackled the slippery terrain with enthusiasm and determination along with beaming smiles as they literally slid across the finish line.


Our Primary school certainly has been a hive of activity over recent weeks. Last week our Prep students immersed themselves in the world of 'Amazing Animals' as they delved into God's incredible creation. This too was a beautiful opportunity for the children to learn about the intricate formation of creatures big and small.


Years 4 and 5 have both had a fun filled, exciting time experiencing camp life. With so much to celebrate from both events, a highlight expressed by many was the strengthening of existing relationships and the forming of new bonds build between peers. Our God is so masterful in the way we have each been created to be in partnership with one another.


Our deep hope and prayer is that our students continue to grow in their love for God and for each other as we further explore what it means to be a good friend to others in our immediate environment and beyond. As we walk alongside our children each day, let us always remember the importance for ourselves as individuals, to be firmly grounded and deeply present in our own relationship with Christ through prayer. It is from this firm foundation that all else can flow to the precious little lives of those we seek to influence and grow.