Hello, from our students and teachers.

Hello from 2/3K and Ms. Kennedy.



In Literacy we explore different text types and genres. This week we have been reading Aesop Fables and discussing their features and characteristics. It is said that Aesop's was a Greek slave and story teller who invented the genre, fables. Fables teach children lessons or morals through stories using animals as characters with human characteristics and feelings. We have been learning to identify the lesson in a fable and see if we can relate this to our lives.  Have you ever read the Fox and the Crow?

We talked about what we thought the lesson was and what message the author wanted us to learn. How did you go? 



We have been looking at 3D shapes as part of our Maths this week and have been classifying them as prisms, pyramids and others.  We have been learning to name the shapes and their properties such as faces, edges and vertices.

Have your child look around the house and see what shapes they can see and name. 

Maybe ask them to see how many cylinders or rectangular prisms they can find. 

We have enjoyed looking at shapes. 


We also had a great time at Jet's Gym so I have popped in a few photos of the class having fun. Enjoy!