The Year 9/10 Enviro Explore elective group recently set up some wildlife trail cameras on the school grounds hoping to capture any native wildlife which may be inhabiting our surroundings. Unfortunately, only introduced species/pests were detected in the short time they were set up. 


Thank you to our groundskeeper, Dawso, for allowing us to borrow these motion detector cameras, to study our school environment.


The Enviro Group and Enviro Explore Elective headed off to Wilson’s Prom for a wild and wintry camp on Monday and Tuesday this week. Students had the opportunity to compare a range of different environments, from coastal dunes to rainforest as well as some glimpses of the Milky-Way between the clouds. The students also had the opportunity to interact with the flora and fauna at the Prom. Colourful fungi, slightly aggressive Rosellas and a Wombat in a tent were all highlights of the trip. There were early morning dips in Tidal River, wild winds, drizzle, and sunshine to contend with in an action packed 48 hours to remember. Well done to all students for their curiosity, resilience and persistence. We look forward to doing this camp again in the warmer weather!