School pride is something that’s important for all members of our community. For staff and students, feeling proud of our school as we arrive each day puts each of us in a positive mindset and helps us achieve our best every day. Further to this, for community members, pride in our school helps promote pride in our whole town and surrounding districts.


And we have so much to be proud of about our school. Our staff’s ability to know each and every student, and cater for each individual is as strong as you would find at any school. We have multiple education pathways through our school, each meticulously designed and planned to provide all students with maximum chance of success, regardless of where you might be destined for after KSC. And our ability to pull together, support each other and all have a singular focus on achieving outstanding outcomes for our students is another point of excellence for our school.


So while school pride is important for staff, students and the community, and we have much to be proud of, I encourage everyone to also be proactive in making this happen each and every day. Take responsibility for your perceptions of school, starting with how you talk about it at home and with your friends. Further to that, reflect on what you can be doing on a day to day basis to contribute to the ongoing success of our school. An ex-colleague of mine used to use a phrase, “you don’t go to the school, you are the school”. If you want school to be a place that feels good to come to, make sure you are doing what you can to make it a wonderful place to be.


For students this might include small things like ensuring you are in correct uniform each day. Presenting ourselves well, and therefore presenting our school well, helps make school a positive place to be. Students can also contribute to the overall tone of our school by speaking respectfully to staff and other students, always doing your best work, and always looking after our buildings and grounds.


Over the next two weeks we are heading into our mid-year exam program. These exams will help give staff, students and parents valuable feedback on how well students have mastered the content covered in these classes in first semester. We also know that exams are an important part of our senior school certificates, and being able to perform well on exams is an important skill to develop. Practising skills specific to exams every year starting at Year 8 is a one part of our carefully planned and mapped learning pathways to help ensure that all students have maximum chance of success. Good luck everyone, but more importantly take some time after the exams to reflect on how well you prepared and performed in the exams, and consider what you may have learned from this experience.


John Wilson Acting Principal
John Wilson Acting Principal