From the Business Manager 

Property Manager Role

Our Property Manager Dean Walton has recently notified us of his resignation, and we are now recruiting for this important role.  Please refer to our website for further information, should you be interested or know of a potential candidate.


Dean has been with MAG for almost 7 years, and has made a significant contribution to our School. Our immaculate grounds and well maintained facilities are testament to Dean’s attention to detail and dedication.  Dean has exceptional trades skills and during his time at MAG some of his achievements include overseeing major building projects, undertaking classroom and amenities refurbishments, redesigning and establishing new gardens enhancing our school entrances, and on a daily basis Dean has been ever helpful and obliging to all within our School community.   While we know we will miss Dean, we are excited for him, as he embarks on his next chapter.


Chelsea’s new arrival

Congratulations to our Events and Communications Coordinator Chelsea and her husband Rhys, on the exciting arrival of Henry.  Henry was born last week, and is a little brother for Matilda. 


We will advertising in the upcoming weeks a twelve month maternity leave Receptionist roleDetails will be available on the school website. 


Mrs Suzanna Barry

Business Manager