Resource Centre


Wow! We’d like to offer our thanks to all families and community members who have donated the books they no longer use. We have been slowly working through a number of donations we have received over the last six months. As each donation comes into the Resource Centre we review them and see where they will be best used. In the Resource Centre collections, if we already have a copy on the system, we donate them to primary classroom libraries, add them to our secondary reading tubs and in some cases we donate them to the relevant secondary faculty within the school.


In the last few days we have received a lovely large donation of which 80% will make it onto the shelves in the Resource Centre, the rest of this collection will be added to Primary classroom libraries. We would like to offer our sincere gratitude for the kind and generous donations. 

New Arrivals

Premier's Reading Challenge

The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more, and to read more widely. The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is open to all NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 10.


It was pleasing to see one of our Year 4s arrive to her Library lesson with a list she had developed from the PRC reading lists -  We spent a period of time locating the books on her list. A few days later, two of her peers brought their chromebooks to the library to locate book from the list to read. I also spent time with one of them to show her how to add books to her online reading logs on the PRC website.


For your information:

You must read a certain number of books to complete the Challenge. Please refer to the Booklist page for more information:

Challenge level

Total number of books to be read 

Minimum number of PRC books

Maximum number of Personal Choice books 

Booklists included as PRC book choices 





K-2, 3-4, 5-6 





3-4, 5-6, 7-9





5-6, 7-9





5-6, 7-9, 9plus





All booklists


Challenge closes for student entries: Friday 18 August 2023 

Please see the website for more details:


Thank you to all of the Kinder to Year 2 students who arrived in the library wearing their Sloth masks, ready to engage and listen to our story “The Speedy Sloth” by Rebecca Young. We have some very knowledgeable students who were able to share many great facts about Sloths!

Did you know? 

  • There are two kinds of sloths: 2 fingered and 3 fingered.
  • 2 fingered sloths are slightly larger than 3 fingered sloths.
  • Sloths swim faster than what they move on land.
  • The sloth's fur is a living, breathing home to many other organisms like algae, fungi, microbes and insects.
  • It can take Sloths up to a month to digest their food. 
  • Sloths will only go to the toilet on the ground which means they only go to the toilet once a week because it takes them so long to come down the tree.

Some of this information was taken from


Keep reading everyone!


Ms Height, Mrs Jepson and Ms O’Neill

Resource Centre Team 

Important details

Opening Hours:

Monday-Thursday  8:30am to 4:30pm, Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm


Borrowing and Returns

Students may borrow and return books before school, recess, lunchtime and after school. Primary School students also have the chance to borrow books during their fortnightly Library lessons. 



Students are able to re-borrow books for an additional two weeks by speaking to staff at the Library Circulation Desk. If further borrowing is required, students are to bring their book with them to allow the staff to sight the book. In addition, students can renew their book/s by emailing the Library.



If your child would like to borrow a specific book and the title is not included in our current catalogue, we will add this to our purchase wishlist.


Overdue notices

If you receive an overdue notice there is a chance that the books may been processed through our system after the email was sent, so we encourage all parents to follow up any issues by emailing the Resource Centre at

If you have any other enquiries,  do not hesitate to contact us.