From the Principal 

Student Voice and Increased Secondary Student Pathway Choices 

One of the privileges of school leadership is the ability to regularly engage student voice in a variety of forums. Whether that be in formal or informal settings, spending quality time listening to, and understanding the current lived experience of students in our school and their big ideas to improve their future experience, is an essential ingredient in our school's ongoing development.


Since commencing as Principal, I have had the pleasure of hosting regular listening lunches with students, engaging our student leadership teams, speaking with Primary and Secondary students in the school yard throughout the day, and engaging students in future focused idea generation whilst immersed in school events.


All these encounters, and many others, have presented new learnings and insights and has provided recurring themes from the voice and perspective of our students. 


Too often in schools, leaders make hierarchical decisions without considering user experience. Such decisions are necessary at times; however, the engagement of student voice to support future thinking and direction is a key determinant to enhance student motivation and to ensure that student learning programs are relevant, challenging, significant, engaging and personalised to passions and interests.


A key theme that has consistently emerged through the voice of our secondary students is a desire to expand the breadth of subject choices and to provide access to fast-track learning opportunities to accelerate student learning pathways in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11.


We have listened and I am most pleased to confirm that we will be expanding our Year 8 elective offering in Semester 2, 2023 in addition to adding a greater breadth of subject choices for secondary students in 2024.


On Wednesday 14 June, anytime from 3.30pm to 7.00pm, we will be hosting our 2024 Secondary Curriculum Expo. This interactive and self-paced forum will provide an opportunity for prospective students and families, and current Year 5 and 6 students and families, to better understand our secondary school curriculum offering.


It will also support our current Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 students to more clearly and deeply understand the diverse learning pathways that we offer at Moama Anglican Grammar as they approach subject selections processes for 2024 and as they contemplate career ambitions beyond our school.


The Secondary Curriculum Expo is an exciting development that will support families to discuss and learn how Moama Anglican Grammar can unleash your child’s potential.


You can register for the Secondary Curriculum Expo here. 


Mr Scott Downward
