Gardening Club News

Busy as bees in our gardens. Back in May we were weeding the garden and checking on our new seedlings when I found a caterpillar destroying our Brocolli plants. He was having a grand feast. The girls decided to make a home for him and this is the report they made to present at assembly...
By Emma & Audrey
"Jeffrey Basil was a seasol caterpillar
And then turned into a seasol butterfly
When his wings are out he is 4 cm wide
And when his wings are closed he is 2cm high.
We found Jeffrey on a broccoli leaf and decided to take him in. After three days he closed into a cocoon and in two to three more days he would hatch.
Jeffrey hatched over the weekend and turned into a beautiful butterfly soon we will be able to let Jeffrey go and hopefully find a new caterpillar to take care of.
He is now a member of gardening club but soon we will have to let him go back to his home and let him fly away and live a short life out in the wild and not keep him as a gardening club member."
He ate the whole leaf then climbed up to the roof of the box and formed his cocoon or chrysallis there.
By Sophie & Anneablle
"During our Topic unit we were lucky enough to find Jeffrey Basal a caterpillar eating our broccoli. We were angry but some girls made him a home. Everybody started to love and adore him. We checked on Jeffrey, and realised that on the weekend something magical happened!
He made his cocoon we were all so excited. We all knew he would soon hatch into a butterfly. When he hatched he turned into a brimstone butterfly. We kept him in an enclosure for a few days. Jeffrey was the cutest caterpillar we have ever seen we all loved him."
(editors note: I am not sure on the classification myself but am letting the kids claim what type he is.)
This is us letting him go. It's sad for us but good for him.
By Remy and Daniel
In case you were wondering what we do when it is too wet to go out and garden...we create a garden inside. We made Tissue Flowers. First we did a bit of texta on the tissue. then we dipped it in water and the colour spread with the water. After they dried we used pipe cleaners to make the flowers and took them home to our mums.