Middle School News
3 & 4
Middle School News
3 & 4
Over these past two weeks in literacy the Year 3 students have been working on information reports. They are currently researching and writing reports on elephants, firefighters or eagles.
Last week, we had a school-wide writing activity focused on the theme of "Under the Sea." We were given a prompt and had 30 minutes to write as much as we could on that topic.
In our handwriting lessons, we have started learning cursive writing. We are practising connecting letters, such as connecting 'f' to other letters, and remembering to include the flicks at the end of letters (following the Victorian cursive style).
Olivia S
In Maths class over the past two weeks, we have been focusing on fractions. We have been learning about equivalent fractions, adding fractions with like denominators, and counting fractions.
Additionally, we have been working on our times tables and division skills. We are practising and becoming more proficient in multi-digit vertical multiplication.
Noah and Lana
In grade 4 we have been learning about a bunch of things! First of all we’ve been learning about a new program
that has been introduced this year.
This year we have been learning about The Writing Revolution it’s a writing program. This year we’ve been writing and getting ideas from photos. This week we’ve been looking at photos and writing what we think about it using descriptive words.
We've also been learning the meanings of different word parts in our morphology lessons. This week, we have learned about "hydr" and "mono." The word part "hydr" relates to water, as seen in words like hydration, hydroelectricity, and hydrotherapy. On the other hand, "mono" means one, as exemplified by words such as monobrow (referring to a single brow) and monorail (referring to a single rail).
We’ve also been learning about clauses like main clause and subordinate clause , also known as an independent clauses and a dependent clause. The meaning of a main clause is a group of words that need a subject and a verb and can form a sentence. The meaning of the subordinate clause is a clause that cannot stand alone and needs a main clause for it to make sense.
Elodie L
In Maths we have been learning about long
division. We have learnt multiple ways we can find the answer to long division problems. We have also started looking into fractions and will be focussing on fractions and decimals for the next week.
Lulu M
Respectful Relationships
In respectful relationships we are using roundabouts to symbolise all of the different aspects of friendships and how we can use problem solving strategies to help us when we get into a difficult situation. We have linked this to to the 5 fingers that we trust activity so we know who we can talk to if we ever get into a difficult situation. My 5 people I can trust are Teachers, my Parents, Police, Friends and my Neighbours. We always come back to that phrase.
Lucy N
In Religion, we have continued looking at the story of The Good Samaritan and how the story teaches us about empathy and compassion. Students have spoken about the times that they have showed these characteristics and how they have been a 'Good Samaritan.'
We have been having so much fun at our kinder visits. Mrs Collins class will have their visits starting on Friday the 2nd of June.
Middle Leader
Alice Healey ahealey@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au
Meg Tucker mtucker@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au
Matilda Tench mtench@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au
Joanne Collins jcollins@shsandringham.catholic.edu.au