From the Principal Team

Ken Chatterton
Nick Burley
Chantelle Trend
Ken Chatterton
Nick Burley
Chantelle Trend

Parents and Friends

A massive thank you to the parents who have been involved in organising the many activities around the school this year. The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) has had a renewed breath of energy in recent years and have been doing phenomenal work that benefit the students and their experience at school as well as parents. 

This Saturday June 3 is the 1920s Social Night, an event that has been organised by parents for parents as a chance to get together, mingle and make new friends and enjoy the company of the community. Often it can be easy to see a body like the PFA as purely a fundraising machine, but all the parents involved have been very keen to emphasise and promote opportunities for parents to get to know each other and come together in a way that benefits the students at school. 

Tomorrow (May 31) is the very last day for ticket sales, so if you have been a little unsure, please get behind the event and clear your Saturday. With catering from the legends at Lil' Ray and games and entertainment included in the night, it's bound to be a great night for parents to let their hair down and have a bit of fun, all in the name of community. See Compass for details. 


Free Dental Checks

Smile Squad are returning to RNPS again this year.  The dental van will be setup at school from July 11th.   If you would like your child to receive a free dental check-up, consent must be provided by a parent or guardian; refer below for further information.

Also, look out for the gift sets which will be handed out to students over the next couple of weeks.

Biggest Morning Tea

Last Thursday, the RNPS staff held the Biggest Morning Tea to raise vital funds for the cancer council. Over the course of the morning tea, staff were able to raise an impressive $470 for those in our community living with cancer and their families. The donations that were raised by staff will go towards supporting important education initiatives such as the SunSmart program, as well as funding for research and support. Well done to our staff for their generosity and setting a great example of the values that we teach at Ringwood North Primary.

Year levels across the school have been including activities in their curriculum this week related to National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week. These celebrations, along with NAIDOC week in June, provide a significant opportunity for all of us to think about and reflect about the privilege we enjoy of being able to live on and share the land. Our nation is one of deep history, filled with stories, songs and learning that provide a deep connection to the land and its people. This history is complex and it takes effort to slowly come to grips with what has come before us and what we can do in the future. It is the contributions of our children that will determine whether or not we manage to move forward in a healthy and constructive way. 

I remember being able to share the Apology to the Stolen Generations with a class of Year 5 students as it happened and I was amazed at the depth of understanding and empathy the students exhibited on the day. Those children are all around 26 years old today and are very much involved in shaping our society. This year, when the referendum to recognise indigenous people in the constitution is finally presented, our children will again have the opportunity to learn about and understand in even greater depth the contributions of First Nations People in Australia. I wonder what stories our children will recount from this year when they are 26 years old and how their experiences will differ from our own. 

Enrolments Open

A reminder to any families with children ready to start school in 2024 that enrolments are now open. We encourage all sibling enrolments to be completed in Term 2. See the office for more information. 

If you have friends, neighbours or family members whose children are starting school next year, please encourage them to choose RNPS. Each Prep enrolment in future years helps ensure the continued provision of programs and services for all students year-after-year.