
Reflection on Term 2
School-Wide Instructional Model (SWIM)
Our college’s strategic focus of improving the quality of teaching and learning has continued during Term 2, maintaining particular emphasis on the Introduction phase of our School-Wide Instructional Model (SWIM). During this part of the SWIM, teachers will explicitly refer to Learning Intentions (LI) and Success Criteria (SC), which will be written on the board at the front of the room. This is a non-negotiable expectation, LI and SC are viewable on the board for every single lesson, thus improving the consistency of teaching practice, making learning accessible for all students. With clear and succinct LI and SC, all students will understand the focus of each lesson, and know what work they need to complete to be successful in that lesson. During the first semester the principal class conducted two Learning Walks per week, visiting classrooms across the school, collating data about the use of LI and SC. This qualitative and qualitative data was then shared with staff. All teachers participated in learning walks throughout the semester, allowing them to view their colleagues at work, developing and improving their repertoire of teaching skills.
The final draft of our SWIM poster has been printed. During Term 3 these posters will be displayed in all learning areas across the college.
School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support
In Term 2 we confirmed our new College values of Aspiration, Respect and Empathy. Over the next 6 months we will ensure all college documentation accurately reflects these values. The next stage of the SWPBS process is to develop expected behaviours for students in specific areas of the school, which align to our values. Additionally, in conjunction with the SRC and the wider student body, we are also in the final stages of developing a rewards system that relates to students behaviour, wearing of uniform and the cleanliness of the school yard. Once completed this information will be shared with all students and families.
Year 7 and 8 Homework Program
Year 7 and 8 students and families are reminded, and encouraged, to maintain regular engagement with the literacy and numeracy homework program. The rationale behind this program, as shared in the Term 2 Newsletter; (1) for junior students to establish good homework habits, slowly building rigour in their efforts as they progress towards VCE and (2) to improve literacy and numeracy skills.
Report Reflection Day - Wednesday 12 July (11am - 6pm)
The rationale for this day is to strengthen our mentor program, providing an additional point of contact between the mentor teacher, student and their family. Families are strongly encouraged to read their child's/children's report before this day. The focus of each interview will be to celebrate successes and identify opportunities for improvement. All students are expected to attend an interview with a parent or carer. For Year 12 students, attendance is extremely important, with a particular focus on preparing for the end of year exams and developing a plan to manage the remaining VCE workload.
Link to full details on Website
Interviews will occur on-site. Classes will not operate on this day.
Term 3 Common Professional Practice Day
The Department of Education and Training has provided schools with the option of having one common Professional Practice Day in 2023. Our professional practice day is scheduled for Wednesday 23 Augus. Classes will not operate on this day.
College Council Update
There has been a slight change to roles with the College Council, with Laura Noonan taking on the role of Acting President.
- Laura Noonan – Acting President
- Jodi Oakman – Vice President
- Liz Grainger – Treasurer
During Term 2 we conducted two council meetings, with the following policies being approved, which are now available on the College Website
- Bullying Prevention Policy
- Camps and Excursions Policy
- Visitors Policy
DET School Review
During Term 3 and 4 our school will participate in the mandatory Department of Education’s 4-year review process. During this review, opportunities will be given to staff, students and families to provide feedback about our college. These opportunities will be shared through XUNO News.
2024 Course Counselling
The 2024 Course Counselling Sessions will occur during the following times.
Week 2: Extended Mentor (and evening session in the College Library), Wednesday 19 July.
- Yr. 9 into 10 - evening session @ 6pm
- Yr. 10 into 11 - evening session @ 7pm
- Phone Interviews with the Leadership Team will be available on Monday 24 July.
Week 3: Extended Mentor (and evening session in the College Library), Wednesday 26 July.
- Yr. 8 into 9 - evening session @ 6pm
- Yr. 11 into 12 - evening session @ 7pm
Phone Interviews with the Leadership Team will be available on Thursday 27 Monday 31 July.
Subjects Selections Due: Wednesday 9 August
Staffing Update
Jarrod Wiese - will be on leave until the end of the year. Please see below for staffing replacements.
7A1 Mentor - Deborah Peart
7A2 Mentor - Jo Tsakoumagos
VET Community Services - Hermione Merry
8P Health and Physical Education- Douglas Gray
7R - replacement teacher not confirmed.
9 PE - Douglas Gray.
2023 Awards Ceremony
This year’s ceremony will be held in the College Gymnasium at 9:30am on Wednesday 6 December.
Justin Hird