


Our 15 yrs Bill Turner Trophy side played ASC last friday at rologas.

We lost the match however special mention to the following people


Brianna Naden - terrific work in the midfield

Lucy Selby  - great work organising the team and managing our defense

Alice Barley - excellent defensive work

Sage Knott - who stepped up to play goalie for the first time. Sage got a baptism of fire but she improved heaps throughout the match and we look forward to her next match.

Lilly McFarland - great work in the forward line

Maya Teege - who washed the jerseys for me - thank you


Thanks to all the parents who turned up to support and to Poppy McKay for helping to train the goalie.


Next stop Dio carnival at the end of May in Gunnedah


Rugby League 


Last week our U16's Boys travelled to Tamworth, to compete in the Alan Tongue 10's Finals Day, in rugby league.


With two late withdrawals, meaning no reserves for the day, our lads knew it was going to be a tough day.


Our first game was against Farrer, and although going down 25-4, Jacob Miller scored the try of the game, when he tiptoed along the touchline for 40m, to plant the ball down in the corner.


Next to greet us were eventual winners, St Joseph's Aberdeen, who with 5 minutes left were only up 5-0. After a couple of late tries, the final score read 13-0.

With fatigue setting in during our last game against Wee Waa, the boys looked to the bench for some welcome relief, only to be greeted by a couple of old timers in Jon and I. 

Gabe Harris, after running through the entire team, scored a great try under the posts. The final score was in Wee Waa's favour 17-4.


All boys should be very proud of their efforts, playing all three games without a break. Displaying excellent sportsmanship and maturity on and off the field, they did the College proud.




Last week, Lilly Edmonds, Brienna Naden, Mackenzi Naden, Marko Mijajlovic, Jackson Burton and Jack Abbott, all represented O'Connor in the Diocesan Tennis, at SportUNE.

Despite losing their matches, Marko and Jackson improved throughout the day, and finished with a 'friendly' against each other. Depending on who you talk with, the winner is unknown!


Jack, playing against older more experienced boys, won his first 2 matches to 'love' and lost in another 'friendly' to a Yr10 player from St Mary's, Gunnedah. He played some fantastic tennis throughout and looks to have a bright future in the game.

Lilly won her first 2 matches comfortably and lost the third in a tough encounter.

Brienna had a mixed day winning one match and losing the other, while Mackenzi won both comfortably.


This meant that Brienna and Mackenzi had to win the final doubles match against St Mary's, for our girls team to be declared winners and progress through. In a seesawing, entertaining match, our young ladies prevailed 6-4, so have now qualified to compete in the NSWCCC Tennis Teams Championships, in Bathurst, later in the Term.


Hannah Friedman will join Lilly and the sisters, to form part of a formidable quartet. Congratulations and good luck girls!

Dio Cross Country

A special congratulations to Jack Ellston, Hannah Friedman, Ian Berney and Chelsea Morley for coming first in their age group at diocesan cross country but also well done to Eloise Williams, Ava Clarke, Eiza Clayton, Mason Schaefer, Tahlia Burney, Lily McFarlane, Ben Faria, Butch Howe, Brooke Newberry, Shanae Wark, Mia Vaughan, Samuel Killen, Jacob Miller, Fraser McQueen and Imogen Hislop for making it through to CCC Cross Country in Sydney on the 13th of June.


All runners performed well on a challenging but fun cross country track and positively represented the school at SportUNE.