KLA News 

This week we hear from the RE, HSIE, Maths & Enrichment Leaders of Learning



* Ethics Olympiad 

Our Year 11 Ethics Olympiad Team competed against schools from all across NSW and were announced as Bronze Medal winners.

This is an incredible honour and testimony to the talents of Sophie Ridley, Riley King, Ian Berney, David Tafolla Ruiz and John Harris. 


An Ethics Olympiad is a competitive yet collaborative event in which students analyse and discuss real-life, timely, ethical issues. An Ethics Olympiad differs from debating in that students are not assigned opposing views; rather, they defend whatever position they believe is right and win by showing that they have thought more carefully, deeply, and perceptively about the cases in question. Experience shows that this type of event encourages and helps students develop intellectual virtues such as ethical awareness, critical thinking skills, civil discourse, civic engagement, and an appreciation for diverse points of view.


In the final session of the day, one of the judges remarked that it was the best example of deep thinking and discussion by high school students that she had ever witnessed! The moral issues that were analysed were:


Case 1 – Lookism and Free Cosmetic Surgery 

Case 2 - Home for the Holidays 

Case 3 - Anger in Politics 

Case 4 - The Fifth Industrial Revolution 

Case 5 - National Service 

Case 6 - Death and Taxes 

Case 7 - Symbolic Genital Mutilation 

Case 8 - Bullfighting: Art or Not?




* Da Vinci Decathlon


The Da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of school students. Students compete in teams of eight across 10 disciplines: engineering, mathematics, code breaking, art and poetry, science, English, ideation, creative producers, cartography and legacy.


Students in Years 7 - 10 were selected to represent O'Connor Catholic College which was an honour and one where students should feel incredibly proud to have been recognised by their teachers. It indicated they have demonstrated a high level of skill and understanding, as well as the ability to work collaboratively with others, across several Key Learning Areas.


We competed against schools from all across the region in a range of challenging activities at TAS on Monday 15 May (Years 7&8) and Wednesday 17 May (Years 9&10). This year’s theme was Chaos, and we had a number of successes including first place in Ideation and Art/Poetry for our Year 8 team.


The Australian National Virtual Debating Competition will begin later this term, and we have four teams competing with students ranging from Year 7 to Year 11.


We also have The Australian STEM video game challenge and have entered a Year 9 team and a Year 10 team who are coding and designing a game around the theme of CONSTRUCTION/DESTRUCTION. 


"Every act of creation is first an act of destruction."
Pablo Picasso


Build a wall. Smash a wall.

Break through to the other side.

Have you ever played a game where you had to build something to complete, or help you complete, the goal of the game?

What about a game where you had to smash or destroy something, or maybe many things, to get to the final goal?

Many games involve construction and/or destruction, and this is the theme of the STEM video game challenge in 2023.

The challenge this year is to make a game that involves construction or destruction, or maybe both.


Mrs Jenny Roff

On behalf of the Enrichment KLA



Welcome back to Term 2 Religious Education!


This term has begun with the RE  classes beginning their new units of work. 


Year 7 students have been looking at ‘Sacred Scriptures’ exploring different ways of praying and forms of worship in the Catholic faith. Students have been working in groups to create their own prayers that will be used at the start of RE lessons.


Year 8 students have begun a new unit on the Disciples, Martyrs and Witnesses to Faith, exploring the characteristics of the early church and some of the significant people in the development of the Church. In lessons Students have been reflecting on stories of the early through various scriptures in the bible. They have been doing this  through short projects whereby we reflect on the meaning behind the story as a class and then students have the opportunity to create a visual representation of their interpretations of the stories. 


Here are some student work samples from Term 1, 2023. The class was learning about the Teachings of Jesus. The class worked in groups to research the early life of Jesus, his miracles, his teachings and his end of life.


The students were then asked to create an art work of their own interpretation of Jesus. Some very creative and thoughtful presentations were produced.


Term 2 now leads into the next integral stage regarding Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost. We are delving into the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and discovering which of these present a challenge for us, and those which we have. The unit looks at the disciples, martyrs, and witnesses of faith. We encourage the students to reflect on how they can be more like Jesus in giving of their time and love to others.


Year 10

Year 10 has just completed a project based learning task about the 5 Discourses of St Matthew. Jesus was a man of great understanding and many skills, and consequently was interpreted differently by various groups of people.


To some he was a teacher, to others a story teller, a prophet or even a mentor.

This unit of work has enabled our Year 10 students to answer the question 'Who do you say I am?' from a variety of lenses and viewpoints, as evident in the student response below:


In the Parables Discourse, Matthew depicts Jesus as a storyteller and teacher, teaching his people the word of God through parables.
This is reflected in the parable of the sower, when Jesus tells his disciples a story about a farmer who sowed seeds onto good soil and bad. All of the seeds that were not scattered in good soil died whilst the others in good soil grew and flourished. This however has a deeper meaning that Jesus was trying to convey to his disciples. The seeds were the word of God and depending on where they fell, the word was either listened to and looked after, or ignored and the word died.


This term Year 10 have also started a new unit looking at the Traditions, Challenge and Change within the Church. In lessons,  students have been reflecting on what each of these areas mean as well as honest and open conversations about  the certain challenges and changes that reflect upon the church. We’ll be looking at the idea of Pilgrimage as a tradition that sets challenges for people, and how a pilgrimage changes someone, and then we’ll closely examine Catholic Marriage and Holy Orders (Priesthood) as two areas of the Church that are definitely being challenged at the moment. 


Year 11 students have been studying the religion of ‘Buddhism’. Students have so far looked at the historical and cultural context as to when Buddhism began as well as who was the Buddha. To develop their literacy,  students have been also completing  ‘Writing Tasks’ in class with the strategy of peer assessment as teacher feedback to help ‘bump’ their answers up. 


11 SOR II have been working on the Islam depth study for the last six weeks. In this unit students learn about the origins of Islam, Muhammad, The Islamic beliefs, sacred books, ethical teachings and the Five Pillars of Isalm. Students are also developing their writing skills by applying their knowledge and understanding in a writing task. On Wednesday students revised this unit by working in random groups and participating in a mix and match activity based on the syllabus dot points

Students also played Quizlet live in random groups to revise core content. 


Next Tuesday students will complete their second assessment task explaining how the characteristics of Islam assist adherents find meaning and purpose in their lives.


Mr Andrey May

On behalf of the RE KLA




Mathematics Newsletter article: Term 2, Week 4

We have an exciting term ahead with various topics being covered across different year levels. Let's dive right in and see what our students have been learning.


Year 7: Exploring the World of Numbers

In Year 7, students have been exploring the fascinating world of numbers. They have been strengthening their foundational understanding of arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Students have also been introduced to concepts like factors, multiples, prime numbers, and basic algebraic expressions. It's wonderful to see their enthusiasm for exploring the fundamental principles of mathematics.


Year 8: Unraveling Pythagoras and Perimeter/Area

In Year 8, students have been unraveling the mysteries of Pythagoras' theorem and delving into the realm of perimeter and area. They have been applying the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems involving right-angled triangles and calculating the perimeter and area of various two-dimensional shapes. The hands-on activities and real-world examples have enabled students to understand the practical applications of these mathematical concepts.


Year 9: Mastering Equations and Algebra

In Year 9, students have been mastering the art of solving equations and delving deeper into algebraic expressions. They have been learning techniques to solve linear and quadratic equations, as well as exploring the properties of different algebraic expressions. By honing their algebraic skills, students are preparing themselves for the more complex concepts they will encounter in the coming years.

We also have our accelerated Year 9 students and Year 10 5.3 students learning about the concepts to do with chance. Modelling multi stage events and calculating associated probabilities.


Year 10: Embarking on an Algebraic Adventure

In Year 10, Mathematics 5.2 students have been embarking on an algebraic adventure. They have been working with a range of algebraic expressions and equations, exploring topics such as simplifying expressions, solving linear equations, and understanding the properties of basic functions. This foundational knowledge in algebra will lay the groundwork for their future studies in mathematics.


Year 11: Standard Measurement and Advanced Trigonometry

Year 11 Mathematics Standard students have been focusing on measurement finding areas and perimeter and Advanced students have been focusing on right and non-right angled trigonometry. They have been refining their skills in measuring and converting different units, as well as tackling more intricate trigonometric problems involving angles, triangles, and circular functions. These topics are essential for their further studies in calculus and geometry.


Year 11 Mathematics Extension: Exploring Further Functions

Our extension class has been working diligently on exploring further functions. They have been investigating complex functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, and their respective properties. Through these challenging tasks, students are expanding their mathematical horizons and developing critical problem-solving skills.


Year 12 Advanced: Applications of Finance

Year 12 Mathematics Advanced students have been immersed in the applications of finance. They have been exploring concepts such as compound interest, annuities, loans, and investments. By applying mathematical principles to real-world financial scenarios, students are gaining a deep understanding of how mathematics can be a powerful tool in making informed financial decisions.


Extension 1: Mastering Projectile Motion

In Mathematics Extension 1, students have been mastering the intricacies of projectile motion. They have been analyzing the trajectory of projectiles, considering factors such as velocity, angle, and air resistance. By studying the principles of projectile motion, students are honing their analytical and problem-solving abilities, which are invaluable skills for future scientific and engineering pursuits.


Extension 2: Navigating the World of 3D Vectors

Our Mathematics Extension 2 students have been navigating the captivating world of 3D vectors. They have been exploring vector operations, dot and cross products, and applying these concepts to solve complex problems involving three-dimensional space. This challenging topic provides a solid foundation for students pursuing advanced studies in engineering, physics, and computer graphics.


It's great to witness the enthusiasm and dedication our students bring to their mathematics studies under the guidance of their inspiring teachers. We look forward to another exciting term of exploration and learning.


Best Regards,


Mr Mark Harris

On behalf of the Mathematics KLA



Our year 7 students enjoyed learning about plate tectonics at the end of last term.  They explored convergent plate boundaries, divergent plate boundaries and transform plate boundaries by reproducing these movements using Oreo biscuits.  Students learned that convergent plate boundaries create mountain ranges; divergent plate boundaries (also known as sea floor spreading) create new oceanic crust while transform plate boundaries cause earthquakes.


Pictured below are the results of our experiments with Oreos.  


Mrs Cherie Stoessel

On behalf of the HSIE KLA