Leader of Pedagogy

Ms Lauren Donnelly

Relationships are an important part of the education process allowing students and teachers to work together to their fullest potential. At O’Connor Catholic College, we focus on fostering positive relationships between students and teachers in order to create safe and supportive learning environments. We believe that when students feel supported and connected to their peers, they are more likely to engage in learning and take ownership of their education. 


This positive relationship is fostered through learning conversations which encourages students to take ownership of the process. This means that they engage with the learning intentions and success criteria and are able to identify the steps that they need to take in order to move their learning forward. Students at this point in the term should have engaged with their learning intentions and are starting to make progress on their learning tasks. Receiving consistent feedback from their teachers will allow them to develop a stronger understanding of where they are sitting in their learning and how to move their learning forward.


As we move towards reports in Semester 1, these conversations will increase to ensure that students are aware of how to make progress in their key learning areas. As a way of doing this, using Compass to engage with feedback becomes a learning tool that is necessary to navigate throughout the course of the term. 


Ms Lauren Donnelly

Acting Leader of Pedagogy