Z Club - 

Celebrating 10 years

Mrs Channon would like to thank everyone (staff and students) who helped in some way to make the Z Club events over the last couple of weeks run so smoothly and successfully. This includes purchasing a pizza or something from the cake stall, all of the students who brought in food for the stall, those who helped with the pre-orders of pizzas, those who helped on the day in setting up, selling and serving. We raised $570 which is an amazing effort. This will go towards the purchase of more birthing kits which we will assemble to send overseas to women who do not have the privilege of giving birth in a safe and hygienic manner. It is a wonderful service to be part of on a global level. And, to the amazing celebrations last Friday with our 10 year anniversary. It was such a momentous occasion for us, with students, staff and community members coming together to share a luncheon prepared by Year 11 and 12 Hospitality (under the amazing tuition of Mrs Healey). We had speeches and presentations, and videos of congratulations. Thank you everyone. It was very overwhelming!


Z Club Presentation