Principal's Report

Mrs Clare Healy

Dear O’Connor Community,


Over the last few weeks it has been wonderful to reconnect with our Lasallian community at Oakhill College in Castle Hill. Our Lasallian community have invited us to their Founder’s Day this week. Our Lasallian Youth Ministers Sophie troon and Jayden Goodchild are representing us this year. I had the honour and privilege to visit last week and meet with Br Pat McCarthy and the Principal Br Steve Hogan. There was a real sense of community between our schools with many of our traditions echoed around Oakhill and vice versa. Our College’s Lasallian Legacy is one of our focus areas this year. The Asia Pacific Lasallian Educators Conference at Easter there was a real sense that we need to ‘know who we are before we can strive for the horizon’. Our College Legacy lives within two wonderful religious orders. As part of our Annual Improvement Plan we are reconnecting with these communities in order to provide our students with the values they will need in life. 


Principal’s Conference


This week I have had the pleasure of listening to and engaging with Catholic Principal’s from across the state. As educators it was great to hear of the wonderful work happening in schools around student learning and the redefining of what success looks like and sounds like for our students. The focus and challenge for our Catholic schools is in remembering that for many of our students we are the face of Hope, Faith and Love. This is how many in our community connect with God, through us. 


Our world over the last few years has had an impact of the hopefulness of our students. It is important that everyone in our College (students, staff, parents and parish) knows that they are all valuable members of our community. 

We are so proud of our values of:

- Fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of every person

- promoting our school as a place of learning and excellence

- inspiring hope, tolerance, and a positive vision for the future faith


These were the very themes of the numerous masterclasses and presentations at the Conference.


Our Instructional Leadership Teams will be working through some of these themes in the coming weeks.




We are so very proud of the work our students have done over the last few weeks. 

- Northern District Rugby League team

- Karina Fanning Cup team

- Accidental Counsellor Course with Year 11 Mental Health team

- Armidale Diocesan Cross Country and Tennis teams

- Ethics Olympiad team

- Z Club Luncheon and 10 year celebration

- Mother's Day morning Tea

- Year 11 Student Led Conferences

- PRIDE groups - Stage 4, 5 and 6

- Chess team

- North West Da Vinci Decathlon 7 & 8, 9 & 10 teams

- Schools Prime lamb/Sheep Day

- NSW CCC Rugby League trials

- Not to mention all the great learning that has happened in classrooms everyday. 


We are blessed to have great teachers supporting our students and providing rich opportunities for students to learn both inside and outside the classrooms.



Founder's Day

30th June , 2023 






God Bless,

Mrs Clare Healy
